Legislation & Issues

The health care system in America is broken. Costs are rising at an unacceptable rate—more than doubling over the last 10 years, which is nearly four times the rate of wage growth. Too many patients feel trapped by health care decisions dictated by insurers and HMOs. Too many doctors are torn between practicing medicine and practicing insurance. And some 47 million Americans worry what will happen to them or their children if they get sick.

As a physician, I am keenly aware that our country needs health care reform. I support comprehensive reform which would enable every American to enjoy health coverage, lower costs, increase patient choice, improve access and quality, and protect the patient-physician relationship.

Universal access to high quality health care is possible, and Americans are justified to expect it. We have the best doctors in the world…the best scientists in the world… the best hospitals in the world. Now America needs to build the best health care in the world. We need to empower patients, and reduce the power of government and insurance bureaucrats. Every American should be able to get the care they need.

We will move closest to this goal when we promote the same innovation and competition in health care that we see in every other American industry. America should achieve universal access in a way that puts individual Americans in charge of their own health care decisions. We need American solutions.

In May 2009, I introduced my own health care reform solution, the Patients’ Choice Act (S. 1099) which would accomplish these goals. The Patients’ Choice Act would put individuals in charge of their health care decisions and would increase access, affordability, and choice of health care plans. This proposal is a clear market-based reform that seeks to strengthen the relationship between the patient and the doctor.

Click here for a brief summary of S.1099, the Patients' Choice Act.

Click here for a section-by-section version the Patients' Choice Act.

Click here for a more comprehensive summary of the Patients' Choice Act.

Click here to view the Patients' Choice Act handout. 

Click here for example scenarios of individual coverage under the Patients' Choice Act.

Click here for an alternative to an Individual Mandate and auto-enrollment under the Patients' Choice Act.

Click here for the Patients' Choice Act Q & A's section.


Let me briefly to highlight a few points:

Americans save more money. The Patients’ Choice Act equalizes the tax treatment of health insurance and enables every American to buy health insurance with a tax credit, regardless of employment status, age, health condition or the resources to purchase health insurance. This means that about nine in 10 American households would see a tax cut, and for patients and families making under $250,000 annually, their health insurance premium costs would generally be lower. Employers would still be able to deduct from their taxes the cost of providing health insurance to their employees, but millions of Americans who do not currently receive health insurance would have real buying power.

States offer solutions. The Patients’ Choice Act incentivizes states to establish State Exchanges, which would offer high-quality, affordable health insurance to all individuals, regardless of their employment status, age, health condition, or pre-existing conditions. Health insurance plans sold in a State Exchange would offer the high-quality health plans like Members of Congress receive.

Seniors fare better. The Patients’ Choice Act protects seniors. Unlike some proposals being considered in Congress, my plan is not financed by arbitrary and drastic cuts to Medicare. As a practicing physician, I know how many seniors rely on Medicare and I am committed to reforming Medicare. My plan would significantly reduce the high rate of Medicare fraud compared to today’s practices. This policy change alone would improve Medicare’s solvency, ensure taxpayer dollars are not wasted, and help us keep our commitment to America’s seniors. My plan would also improve competition and value under Medicare Advantage, and allow seniors making healthy decisions to save more.

No new spending, no new taxes. According to our estimates Patients’ Choice Act does not require new spending or new taxes. It is my intent to address our health care crisis my fixing incentivizes in the system and reallocating existing money. Americans already spend $2.4 trillion a year on health care, which means that we need to figure out ways to spend our health care dollars more effectively instead of drastically increasing spending. In fact, one independent estimate said my bill could save taxpayers $70 billion and ensure a majority of currently uninsured Americans.

Transforms Medicaid to provide real coverage and care. The Patients’ Choice Act transforms Medicaid by building upon the innovations we have seen in a number of states. My plan would integrates low-income families with dependent children into higher quality private plans through a tax credit and direct financial assistance. Keeping families together within one provider network will foster coordinated, personalized care and promote innovative patient care models such as medical homes. My plan also maintains current law for benefit security and stable funding for individuals with disabilities but enables better care management. This would improve the health coverage and care for about 45 million Americans, and save taxpayers about $260 billion. States would save a lot as well: about $960 billion over 10 years!

Invests in prevention and wellness. The Patients’ Choice Act invests in prevention and wellness for all Americans. Currently, five preventable chronic diseases cause two-thirds of American deaths and consume 75 percent of our total health expenditures each year. These chronic diseases are largely preventable. My plan’s investment in public health and disease prevention will help reduce health care costs and improve the quality of Americans’ lives.

Less government control and no government-run plan. The Patients’ Choice Act increases patient control and decreases government control. I strongly oppose the creation of any new government-run health care plan. A government-run program would only compound existing problems, by giving taxpayer dollars to Washington bureaucrats who would wield undue control over Americans’ health care decisions. A new government health care plan would also mean that millions of Americans would lose their current health care. Furthermore, socialized governmental systems stay afloat by rationing care and letting people die before their time. Numerous studies, reports, and media have shown that necessary medical procedures are delayed far too long in countries where there is socialized medicine. A government-run plan is not the answer. A government-run plan would unfortunately operate with the compassion of the IRS and the efficiency of the federal Katrina response. It will not meet the basic needs of our citizens, reduce costs or improve outcomes, so I will continue to oppose it.

All Americans should have the ability to make their own health care decisions, see the doctor they want, and get the care they need. As a practicing physician and two-time cancer survivor, I support targeted, sensible health care reform which builds on what works and fixes what is broken. I will fight for solutions that strengthen the relationship between patients and doctors, solutions that put patients –not Washington bureaucrats – in charge of their health care decisions and provide common-sense solutions to our nation’s health care crisis.

May 12 2009

Dr. Coburn to Introduce Comprehensive Health Care Bill Soon

Republicans and ObamaCare

Republicans and ObamaCare

- The sound of silence is deafening.

Listen. That sound of silence? That's what's known as the united Republican response to President Barack Obama's drive to socialize health care.

The president has a plan, and he's laid it on the table. The industry groups that once helped Republicans beat HillaryCare are today sitting at that table. Unions are mobilized. A liberal umbrella group, Health Care for American Now, is spending $40 million to get a "public option," a new federal entitlement that would kill off private insurance. Democrats passed a budget blueprint that will allow them to cram through that "public option" with just 51 votes.

Republicans? They're trying to figure out what they think.

Well, not all of them. Earlier this week I ended up in the office of Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, where the doctor was hosting North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr. The duo is, for the second time, crafting a comprehensive reform that would lower costs, cover the uninsured, and put Americans in control of their health care. And while the senators decline to talk GOP politics, their bill raises the multitrillion-dollar question: Will the party have the nerve or sense to coalesce behind some such conservative alternative to the Democratic product?

They'd better, because the days of Republicans winning these battles solely by spooking Americans are over. Phil Gramm, Harry and Louise might have scored with that approach in the 1990s, but the intervening years have brought spiraling costs and public unrest. Americans want a fix. Democrats promise one. The GOP can't tank the public option simply by complaining it will kill private insurance. The party has to finally elucidate how it plans to allow the private market to work.

Not that the senators don't think Republicans need to make clear to the country that the public option is, in Mr. Burr's words, "a fast track to a single-payer system." But they are also operating on the belief that Republicans must go beyond Band-Aid solutions to embrace, as Mr. Coburn puts it, a "complete transformation" of a system that is "structurally" flawed.

Their own bill overhauls the tax code, currently stacked in favor of corporate employees, to provide a tax credit to every American to purchase insurance. It expands health-savings accounts. It creates state health-insurance exchanges, where private insurers compete to cover Americans, including the uninsured. (This is partly modeled on the Medicare drug program, which has provided seniors with choice and held down costs.)

More broadly, it seeks to reorient financial incentives so that the system is no longer focused, as Mr. Coburn puts it, on "sick care," but on preventing the chronic diseases that eat 75% of health expenditures. These incentives would be used to lower costs and discourage insurers from cherry-picking patients. The bill also dives into Medicare and Medicaid reform.

Yet no small number of Senate Republicans are biding their time in Max Baucus land, waiting to see what the Democratic finance chairman produces as a "bipartisan" product. (Read: A bill the president wants.) This crowd has taken to heart Mr. Obama's accusation that they are the party of "no," and think it might be easier to be the party of Baucus, or the party of Baucus-lite, or the party of nothing whatsoever.

The White House is targeting folks like Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch and other Senate Republicans who back in 1997 voted for the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which was pitched by Democrats at the time as a modest program to help poor kids. It has, of course, become exactly what Democrats always intended it to be: a ballooning federal entitlement that is today transferring middle-class children from private insurance onto the federal rolls. This might be thought of as a teachable moment. But now Republican "moderates" are all ears for the administration's soothing suggestions that perhaps the "public option" can be "structured" so as to protect private insurance. Uh-huh.

Another group of Republicans are still going 50 rounds over taxes -- namely, whether a deduction isn't a more principled and cleaner way than credits to equalize the tax treatment of insurance. This is a legitimate debate, but one that should've been had 10 years ago when Republicans were in the majority. While the GOP fiddled, Democrats focused the argument on "uninsureds," which has made a tax deduction (which would only cover those who pay taxes) even less politically palatable.

Over in the House time runs on, as the Republican leadership and a health-care working group continue to noodle over platforms, policies, egos and timing. Democrats intend to be debating their bill by June.

As for Messrs. Coburn and Burr, they spent a good half hour with me enthusiastically explaining why a competitive market would improve health, provide control and choice, lower costs, and tackle entitlements. It's a good pitch. If only the rest of America could hear the party make it.

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4/24/12 New CMS Medicare Rule Affirms Coburn's Warning of Special Massachusetts "Bay State Bailout" Under President's Healthcare Law
4/23/12 Medicare Actuary Warns Program’s Financing Outlook Could Be More Dire Than Official Projections
4/17/12 Senators Coburn and Burr Introduce PATIENTS’ FDA Act
4/16/12 Drs Coburn, Barrasso, Gingrey and Roe Release Report on Coming Insolvency of Medicare
Date Title
3/29/12 Senators Coburn and Burr Issue Joint Statement on GAO Oversight Report
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3/19/12 CMS Memo on Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund
3/19/12 CRS Memo on Public & Private Expenditures for Health Care
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3/19/12 Drs Coburn & Barrasso Release New Health Care Report on “Side Effects” of the President’s Health Care Law
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Date Title
2/28/12 Sens. Coburn, Collins, & Lieberman Say Annual GAO Report Exposes More Duplication in the Federal Budget, Less Responsibility Coming Out of Washington
2/28/12 Senator Coburn to Testify at House Committee on Oversight and Governmental Reform Hearing Today on Annual GAO Report Addressing Duplication & Overlap in the Federal Government
2/27/12 The National Rural Health Association Voices Opposition to the Special Deal for Massachusetts under the New Health Care Law
2/16/12 Coburn, Burr Introduce Plan to Save Medicare, the Seniors’ Choice Act
2/16/12 Coburn, Burr Unveil Plan to Save Medicare, the Seniors’ Choice Act
2/7/12 Coburn, Hatch Express Concern Over Misleading Term Used in Marketing New Health Law
2/6/12 Coburn, Boustany Request Information on Financial Mismanagement at HHS
2/2/12 Lieberman, Coburn Oppose Budget Gimmicks to Pay For SGR Repeal
2/2/12 Congressional physicians to AARP: Help us save Medicare
Date Title
1/30/12 Dr. Coburn to Host Town Hall Meeting in Edmond on Saturday, February 4th
1/9/12 Senators Coburn & Scott Brown Send Letter to CMS Acting Administrator Asking on Implementing Recommendations to Reduce Medicare Fraud
Date Title
12/23/11 Dr. Coburn Urges Review of Disability Claims & Potentially Fraudulent Practices of Law Firm
12/17/11 Dr. Coburn Votes "No" on Omnibus Spending Bill
12/13/11 Coburn, Hatch Request Explanation from HHS Over Lack of Transparency & Oversight in CMS
12/5/11 Build on what works to save Medicare
Date Title
11/30/11 New CRS Report on How to Repeal the New Health Care Law
11/29/11 Sens. Coburn & Hatch Send Follow-Up Letter to CMS Outlining Concerns with Medicare Provider Enrollment Programs
11/22/11 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Failure of the Super Committee
11/17/11 Dr. Coburn Supports State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges
11/9/11 Drs Coburn and Barrasso Release a Doctors’ Perspective of “Medicare & You 2012” Handbook
11/2/11 Administration Fails to Meet Deadlines In Its Own Health Law
Date Title
10/7/11 CRS Report on Majority Leader Reid Limiting Debate by Filling the Amendment Tree
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9/13/11 FACT CHECK: Examining The President’s Claims on Medicare
9/9/11 Re-examining PPACA’s Federally-Mandated Medical Loss Ratios
9/8/11 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on President Obama’s Jobs Plan
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8/16/11 New Report Shows 4 out of 5 Seniors Could Save Money From Medigap Reform
8/11/11 Concerns with the Institute of Medicines’ Review of the FDA’s 510(k) Process, Waste of $1.3 Million Taxpayer Dollars
8/2/11 Why I voted against the debt deal
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7/27/11 9,000,000,000,000 Ways to Balance the Budget
7/25/11 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Breakdown in Debt Talks
7/18/11 Dr. Coburn Releases $9 Trillion Deficit Reduction Plan
Date Title
6/28/11 Lieberman, Coburn Reveal Bipartisan Proposal to Save Medicare, Reduce Debt
6/22/11 Sens. Carper and Coburn Lead Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Billions of Dollars in Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare and Medicaid
6/22/11 Dr. Coburn Introduces Bill to Restore Constitutional Limitations on Congressional Power
6/7/11 What Others Are Saying About the Coburn-Burr-Chambliss Medicaid Bill, S. 1031
Date Title
5/24/11 Dr. Coburn & Colleagues Send Letter to Secretary Sebelius & CMS Administrator Berwick Regarding Proposed ACO Regulation
5/19/11 Senators Coburn, Burr, Chambliss Introduce Bill to Reform and Strengthen Medicaid
5/13/11 Don’t Miss These Details
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4/6/11 Reform or go broke: Medicaid, Medicare must change
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3/21/11 CRS Confirms White House Could Recess Appoint Controversial Medicare Czars
3/17/11 Medicare Ad Wars: Propaganda vs. Program Integrity, 4 to 1?
3/10/11 Drs. Coburn & Boustany Send Letter to HHS Secretary Sebelius Concerning Findings in HHS Financial Audit
3/3/11 New Report: Medicaid Expansion Will Cost States $118 Billion
Date Title
2/18/11 Today CBO released a full score of repealing the Democrats’ health overhaul
2/16/11 BURR & COBURN: Caution kills
2/10/11 CBO Director Confirms the Health Law Causes a Reduction of 800,000 Workers
2/7/11 Financial Audit of the Department of Health & Human Services Reveals Concerning Findings for FY2010
2/2/11 Dr. Coburn Votes to Repeal Flawed Health Care Law
Date Title
1/26/11 Dr. Coburn Co-Sponsors Bill to Repeal Job-Killing Tax on Medical Devices
1/24/11 Repealing the Federal Health Law Saves American Taxpayers Money
1/6/11 CBO’s Initial Findings On Repealing The Health Overhaul: Lower Premiums, Reduced Costs to Taxpayers
1/4/11 Laudable Provisions in Fiscal Commission Health Care Recommendations
Date Title
12/22/10 Dr. Coburn Announces Agreement on 9/11 First Responders Bill
12/21/10 Detailed Outline of Dr. Coburn's Position on The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act
12/9/10 Congress’ End-Of-Year Spending Bill Empowers Bureaucrats and Funds The Controversial New Federal Health Care Law
12/9/10 Congress’ End-Of-Year Spending Bill Empowers Bureaucrats and Funds The Controversial New Federal Health Care Law
12/9/10 Dr. Coburn Calls CR/Omnibus a Trojan Horse to Fund New Health Law
Date Title
11/30/10 Dr. Coburn Says Food Safety Bill Won’t Make Food Safer
11/23/10 Opposing view on food safety: Leverage the free market
11/17/10 Today, Dr. Coburn filed two amendments to the Food Safety bill
Date Title
10/27/10 ObamaCare's ill effects starting to take hold
10/26/10 What Others Are Saying About "Grim Diagnosis"
10/25/10 Drs. Coburn and Barrasso Release New Health Care Report
Date Title
9/29/10 Dr. Coburn Introduces Bill To Stop Medicare and Medicaid Fraud “FAST”
9/29/10 Dr. Coburn Introduces Bill To Stop Medicare and Medicaid Fraud “FAST”
9/24/10 Dr. Coburn Introduces Ensuring Greater Food Safety Act of 2010
9/23/10 Today, Dr. Coburn Cosponsored a Bill to Strike CLASS Act Provision in New Health Care Law
9/22/10 Dr. Coburn Again Calls on Majority Leader Reid to Bring Food Safety Bill to the Floor
9/16/10 Dr. Coburn Encourages Reid to Bring Food Safety Bill to the Floor
9/15/10 Detailed Concerns with S.510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010
9/8/10 What Happens to Americans Without Health Insurance?
Date Title
8/27/10 How Much Does the Federal Health Overhaul Cost States?
8/25/10 Dr. Coburn Requests HHS Secretary Sebelius Provide “Open And Transparent Accounting” Of How Americans’ Tax Dollars Are Spent
8/17/10 Dr. Coburn is original co-sponsor of the Health Care Bureaucrats Elimination Act, S.3653
8/11/10 Revealing New Study: Medicaid Patients More Likely to Die After Surgery, Have Longer Stay and Higher Costs
8/5/10 Coburn, Hatch Introduce Bill to Exclude Abortion Coverage from Health Care Law
8/5/10 First Findings From Medicare Trustees Report
8/3/10 Sens. Coburn, Barrasso, Burr, McCain & Thune Send Letter to Sec. Sebelius Questioning HHS Campaign Ad
Date Title
7/21/10 Dr. Coburn Introduces Bill Prioritizing Treatment in Global AIDS Effort
7/21/10 Dr. Coburn Introduces Bill Prioritizing Treatment in Global AIDS Effort
7/7/10 Bad Medicine: a check-up on the new federal health law by Drs. Coburn & Barrasso
Date Title
6/30/10 Sens. Coburn, Cornyn, Thune, McCain, and LeMieux Ask HHS OIG About Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Under the New Health Law
6/30/10 Some Americans Have Already Lost Their Health Coverage As a Result of the New Health Care Law
6/29/10 New Health Law: Cuts Nearly $530 Billion From Medicare For New Entitlement Program
6/20/10 Joint Committee on Taxation: Only 7% of Americans Receive Insurance Subsidy Under New Health Law
Date Title
5/27/10 New CRS Memo Confirms: New Tax for Insured Americans, Free Care for Illegal Immigrants
5/20/10 A CDC Study Confirms Medicaid Patients are Twice as Likely as the Uninsured to Utilize Emergency Rooms as Their Primary Source of Treatment
5/12/10 The CMS Actuary released new analysis of the final version of the new federal health care law
5/5/10 Coburn Op-Ed: How the New Health Care Law will Impact Oklahoma
Date Title
4/29/10 Key Study of U.S. Healthcare System: 1 out of 3 Dollars Goes to Waste
4/26/10 CRS Reports Explain the Effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Americans and Pre-existing Health Care Provisions
4/2/10 Members of Congress Get Special Treatment to Avoid Requirements of New Federal Health Care Law
Date Title
3/15/10 "Dear Colleague" Letter: Majority of Physicians Reject Current Bills
Date Title
1/29/10 Letter to President Obama from Sens. Coburn and Burr, Reps. Ryan and Nunes
Date Title
12/19/09 Dr. Coburn Calls New Abortion Language a Fraud that Will Allow Taxpayer-Funded Abortion
12/16/09 Dr. Coburn Encourages Americans to Listen to Reading of Plan to Establish Government-run Single Payer Health Care
12/6/09 Senate Health Care Bill Costs Taxpayers $6.8 million per word
12/4/09 New CRS Report Shows Government Already Controls 60 percent of Health Care in the U.S.
Date Title
10/28/09 Read the Congressional Budget Office’s letter to Rep. Paul Ryan, the lead House co-sponsor of the Patients’ Choice Act
10/14/09 Medicaid Malpractice: New CRS Memo Confirms Medicaid Patients Have Higher Rate of Infant Mortality
Date Title
9/23/09 The Health Care Debate and What it Means to You
9/15/09 Health Reform Should Begin with Ending Fraud
9/10/09 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on President Obama’s Health Care Speech
Date Title
8/10/09 Ten Questions Politicians Won’t Answer
Date Title
7/15/09 Dr. Coburn Says HELP Committee Bill will do Grievous Harm to Patients and Economy
Date Title
6/9/09 A Better Way to Reform Health Care
Date Title
5/20/09 Senators Coburn, Burr and Representatives Ryan, Nunes Offer A Better Path Forward on Health Care Reform
5/12/09 Current record
Date Title
7/30/08 NIH Director to Congress: Disease-Specific Mandates Undermine Potential for New Scientific Discoveries
Date Title
5/22/08 African AIDS treatment advocates could force a hold on PEPFAR bill among US Senators
5/12/08 Death rate in Malawi falls by up to 35% due to free HIV treatment
5/6/08 STUDY: Nearly all babies born to mothers with HIV can be spared infection with treatment, yet 1,800 babies are infected with HIV each day
Date Title
4/28/08 As Congress retreats on efforts to eliminate baby AIDS, a new study finds few pregnant women with HIV in poorer countries receiving treatment
Date Title
11/2/07 Dr. Coburn Urges Politicians to Put Patients Ahead of Politics
11/1/07 Dr. Coburn Disappointed Senate Playing Politics with Kids’ Health
Date Title
10/24/07 Children's Health Yields to the Senators From Pork
10/23/07 Dr. Coburn Chides Senate for Putting Pork Before Kids
10/17/07 Coburn Amendments to Labor/HHS/Education FY08 Appropriations Bill
10/4/07 Expanding SCHIP Is Move Toward Government-Run Health Care
Date Title
9/24/07 Opinion: The new Hillarycare
9/11/07 Healthy Medical Reforms
9/9/07 Column: How the Swiss do health care
9/5/07 Editorial: Health Care and Taxes
9/4/07 Opinion: Backers of health plan for kids have other motives
Date Title
8/18/07 Could your DNA get turned against you?
8/10/07 Editorial: Healthcare baby steps better than nothing
8/8/07 Coburn calls for privatizing health care
8/6/07 Column: Health insurance fight shows GOP in disarray
8/6/07 Editorial: Insurance bill boost for families
8/2/07 Editorial: SCHIP Shape?
8/1/07 Individual Freedom vs. Government Control
Date Title
7/27/07 GOP senators seek universal health care
7/10/07 State funds would triple for children
7/8/07 Battle Takes Shape Over Expansion of Children's Insurance
Date Title
6/29/07 Senate panel passes biogenerics bill
6/12/07 Dr. Coburn Releases Oversight Report on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
6/6/07 Opinion: Health Care Needs Market Forces
Date Title
5/9/07 Dr. Coburn Applauds Passage Of Drug Safety Legislation
5/3/07 Senate to address biologics after finishing PDUFA debate
Date Title
4/30/07 Editorial: Health Plan, Place to start
4/30/07 FDA Bill draws wider drug debate
4/24/07 Responsible Medicine
4/23/07 Drug Safety is goal of measure to revamp FDA fees, procedures
4/19/07 Senate HELP Committee Approves Revised PDUFA Bill
4/19/07 Kennedy: Generic Biotech Will Be In PDUFA Legislation
4/11/07 Freedom: Individuals should make health insurance decisions
4/11/07 Coburn Floats Health Plan - Senator emphasizes creating a system driven by consumers' choices
4/9/07 Editorial - Choice and Access: Coburn Care Plan Deserves Consideration
4/5/07 Health care reformers must remember the future
4/5/07 Government-run healthcare's dirty little secrets
4/4/07 Coburn has the right medicine for a sick health care system
Date Title
3/30/07 Coburn Health Care Plan Involves Rebates, Prevention
3/23/07 Republican Rx
3/22/07 Britons desert private medical insurance market
3/22/07 Coburn Offers Plan on Health Coverage
3/21/07 Dr. Coburn Introduces Health Plan Promoting Universal Coverage, Access and Choice
3/16/07 Reauthorization of Health Act Vowed by Senate Committee
3/16/07 Senate Panel Jointly Looks at Safety Bill and PDUFA
3/8/07 Health costs will surge without better prevention
3/5/07 Spring markup likely in Senate for Tobacco regulation measure
3/2/07 Health care top domestic concern in U.S.: poll
3/2/07 Opinion: The Lost Window of Opportunity
Date Title
2/27/07 Dr. Coburn Says Federal Inaction One Cause of HPV Epidemic
2/5/07 Editorial: To Our Health - Bush plan deserves serious study
2/1/07 Senate Likely to pass bill that would prevent genetic discrimination
Date Title
1/25/07 Dr. Coburn, Senator Martinez Introduce Legislation to Make Health Care More Affordable and Accessible
1/11/07 Kennedy To Push For Universal Health Care
1/10/07 Congress mulls how to expand U.S. health insurance
Date Title
11/1/06 Editorial: Holding firm
Date Title
10/6/06 Major HIV/AIDS Oversight Action
10/1/06 Global AIDS Treatment Cost - Can we afford to treat 7 million as Dr. Coburn demands?
Date Title
9/22/06 Dr. Coburn, AIDS Healthcare Foundation Back CDC’s New HIV Testing Guidelines
9/19/06 Doctor Tom's DDT Victory
9/15/06 WHO Lays Out DDT Strategy, Calling for Its Use Even Indoors
9/15/06 Senators Coburn, Burr and Sessions Call for More Equitable Ryan White CARE Act HIV/AIDS Funding
9/7/06 Analysis: Health plan merger a red flag?
9/1/06 Congress poised to renew Ryan White Act
Date Title
8/14/06 Federal moratorium on new specialty hospitals ends
Date Title
6/28/06 D.C. Kicks Off Anti-HIV Rally
6/20/06 Cantor to offer new HSA bill, easing tax concerns of right
6/9/06 Senators Coburn, DeMint, Vitter, Inhofe and Cornyn Introduce Legislation to Improve Health Savings Accounts
Date Title
5/22/06 AIDS Vaccine Testing Goes Overseas
5/18/06 They'd Sooner Fix Medicaid
5/4/06 Editorial: Prodigal State
Date Title
4/21/06 How To Stop Medicaid Fraud
Date Title
3/29/06 Hearing Addresses CMS' Efforts To Control Medicaid Fraud
Date Title
12/14/05 Dr. Coburn letter to HHS on Ryan White CARE Act formulas and ADAP funding
Date Title
11/10/05 Dr. Coburn Says New FDA Condom Regulations Make Inconclusive, Exaggerated Claims About Condom Effectiveness
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7/27/05 Dr. Coburn Praises Bush Administration’s Ryan White CARE Act Reauthorization Plan
Date Title
6/30/05 Dr. Coburn Praises President Bush’s New Initiative to Combat Malaria

Floor Statements & Speeches

Date Title
7/30/13 Obamacare Will Only End With Full Repeal
Date Title
2/11/13 Dr. Coburn on S. 47, the Violence Against Women Act: Washington Duplication and Incompetence Blocks Justice For Victims
Date Title
9/21/12 Coburn on Lack of Leadership in Congress: America Deserves Better
Date Title
5/23/12 Dr. Coburn Calling Up Amendments to the FDA User Fee Bill
*Currently displaying the latest 4 records. Use the select boxes from the filter bar above to view more records.