Right Now

Today, Senators Coburn (R-OK) and Scott Brown (R-MA) sent a letter to Acting Administrator of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Marilyn Tavenner.

Specifically, the letter outlines two main questions: 

(1) what GAO and OIG recommendations CMS is considering/working on implementing, and

(2) how many staff/contractors use Google Earth (a free service) to verify addresses before bills are paid.

Read the letter: here  

Read the response letter from CMS Administrator Tavenner, received February 7, 2012, here.

Additionally, Deputy Administrator for Program Integrity at CMS, Dr. Peter Budetti, responded to Dr. Coburn's separate letter to CMS regarding the implementation of predictive analytics. Read his letter: here

Date Title
1/30/12 Dr. Coburn Filed the Following Amendments to the STOCK Act
1/9/12 Current record