Right Now

Oct 06 2011

If You Like the Health Plan You Have, Your Employer Might Drop It

Former Democrat Governors, Studies, and Business Surveys Confirm Employers Will Drop Health Coverage Under PPACA

President Obama promised that Americans who like their current coverage can keep it on more than 45 separate occasions. However, according to Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) 2010 rule on grandfathered health plans under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), between 39 and 69 percent of businesses will lose their status as “grandfathered health plans.” The picture is even worse for small businesses – HHS estimates by 2013, up to 80 percent of small businesses will lose their grandfather status.

Unfortunately, an accumulating mountain of evidence paints an even more dire picture. Two former Democrat Governors have predicted employers will drop health coverage. Former Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen wrote in the Wall Street Journal about the incentives for the state of Tennessee to drop state employee insurance. According to Governor Bredesen, Tennessee could pay the $2,000 dollar fine on each employee not covered, give cash raises, and still come out $146 million ahead.

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