Right Now

In a letter to the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction, the National Coalition on Health Care urges the group to tackle health spending by passing the FAST Act, a bill introduced by Senators Coburn and Carper to combat waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid.


"The reduction of fraud is another commonsense way to eliminate wasteful health spending. An investment in reducing fraud, waste and abuse will reap significant benefits – for every $1 spent on health care oversight, the government sees a return of $17, according to the HHS Office of the Inspector General. The Medicare and Medicaid FAST Act would build on anti-fraud initiatives enacted in 2010 and make it much easier to crack down on fraud and abuse in federal programs. As an added benefit, the legislation would streamline the data collection process for federal health programs. Improved data collection and analysis is the foundation upon which long term health policy must be designed" (NCHC, 9/23/11)