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Yesterday, five Senators of key health care and oversight committees asked the GAO to explore funded CO-OP projects under the Affordable Care Act. Senators Coburn, Hatch, Alexander, Enzi, and Burr wrote a letter asking the GAO to examine the effectiveness of CO-OPs in covering the uninsured, providing lower-cost plans, and repaying loans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Senators noted the Congressional Budget Office projected CO-OPs would have, as they summarized, “no meaningful impact on reducing the number of the uninsured,” and expressed skepticism regarding the overall value of CO-OPs under the law. They asked for an update on HHS oversight of funded projects and asked GAO to specific the “preferential market, funding, regulatory, or other governmental advantages” CO-OPs may receive compared with commercial plans.

Dr. Coburn has previously outlined his concerns with CO-OPs under the law in a report, available here (see page 30).

Date Title
12/16/14 Dr. Coburn on Tax Extenders: Washington’s Christmas Tree For Special Interests
12/16/14 Coburn Introduces Bill to Protect and Strengthen the Social Security Disability Insurance Program
12/16/14 Senators Baldwin and Coburn Applaud Commitment to Enhance Access to HIV Drugs in Developing Countries
12/15/14 Dr. Coburn's Statement on Protecting Veterans and Taxpayers
12/12/14 Dr. Coburn's Motion to Restore the Right of Senators to Suspend the Rules Post-Cloture
12/12/14 Dr. Coburn Fights to Protect Veterans and Taxpayers
12/11/14 Dr. Coburn Gives Farewell Speech on the Senate Floor
12/9/14 Coburn Releases Report Decoding the Tax Code
12/8/14 Dr. Coburn Opposes Public Lands Package Included in Defense Bill
Date Title
11/18/14 Coburn Releases Statement on Lack of Transparency with Health Providers
11/18/14 Reps. Issa, Gingrey, and Sen. Coburn: GAO Study Finds Government’s Data Quality for Official Time is Unreliable
Date Title
10/29/14 Coburn “Concerned” With White House Reaction to Cyber Breach
10/22/14 Wastebook 2014: What Washington doesn't want you to read.
10/1/14 New Report Details Millions Spent on Unnecessary Transport of Surplus Vehicles From Afghanistan
Date Title
9/26/14 GAO: Federal Government Underreports Data Center Cost Savings by Billions
9/23/14 Statement by Senator Tom Coburn on the Recent Washington Post Story about the Department of Homeland Security
9/22/14 GAO: Long-term Viability of DHS Consolidation in Question
9/22/14 Bipartisan Bill to Consolidate Federal IT Infrastructure, Save Up to $3 Billion Passes Senate
9/19/14 Senate Approves Carper, Coburn Legislation to Curb Improper Payments to Deceased Individuals
9/19/14 Bipartisan Legislation Would Require State Representation on Federal Banking Board
9/17/14 Dr. Coburn’s Concerns with S. 1086, the Reauthorization of the Child Care Development Block Grant Program
9/9/14 Reducing Insurance Subsidies for Wealthy Farmers Could Save Hundreds of Millions Annually
9/9/14 Dr. Coburn Examines Federal Programs Which Equip State and Local Law Enforcement
Date Title
8/28/14 Oklahoma Delegation Responds to Obama Administration’s Failure to Grant ESEA Extension
8/28/14 New Health Benefit For Temporary Federal Employees May Violate Federal Law
8/13/14 GAO Report Confirms Need for Additional Oversight of Medicare Claims Reviews
8/12/14 Over 600 Illegal Immigrants with Prior Criminal Convictions Released into the U.S.
8/10/14 Big Banks Claim Millions of Dollars in Tax Credits Intended For Poor Communities
8/8/14 Members Call on OMB Director to Address Concerns of Inspectors General
8/4/14 GAO: $619 Billion in Government Spending Never Disclosed on Transparency Website
Date Title
7/31/14 Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Approves Measure to Improve Safety and Security of Nation’s Chemical Facilities
7/30/14 Coburn-Warren Truth in Settlements Act Passes Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, Heads to Full Senate
7/29/14 Federal Chemical Security Program in Shambles, New Report Says
7/29/14 Wealthy Farmers Harvesting Subsidies from Sixty Overlapping Federal Programs
7/28/14 GAO: 83,000 DOD Employees and Contractors with Security Clearances Owe $730 million in Federal Taxes
7/24/14 Coburn, Carper Introduce Bill to Eliminate Unnecessary and Outdated Reports
7/24/14 Dr. Coburn to Hold Final U.S. Senate Town Hall Meetings in Oklahoma
7/22/14 Fake Applications for ObamaCare Tax Subsidies Show How Vulnerable Health Care Law is to Fraud & Abuse
7/21/14 Dr. Coburn Asks VA OIG to Investigate OKC VAMC
7/10/14 Chairman Carper Statement on Senate Confirmation of Shaun Donovan as Director of OMB
7/10/14 U.S. Awards $190 Million Contract to Firm Accused of Fraud
7/8/14 Dr. Coburn files amendments to S. 2363, the Sportsmens' Bill
7/7/14 HHS OIG Response on Medicaid Estate Recovery Audit
7/1/14 New IG Report Finds Inconsistencies With Health Exchange Applications
Date Title
6/30/14 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Hobby Lobby Ruling
6/24/14 Beyond the Waiting Lists, New Senate Report Reveals a Culture of Crime, Cover-Up and Coercion within the VA
6/18/14 Dr. Coburn Releases Hold Letter Regarding S. 398, the Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Women's History Museum Act
6/18/14 CRS Releases Report on Hidden Federal Spending
6/17/14 Senators Ask FDA about Expanded Access Program in Response to Patient Concerns
6/14/14 Senators Press Defense Department to End “Plugging” Numbers
6/14/14 U.S. Senator Tom Coburn Delivers Weekly Republican Address
6/4/14 Dr. Coburn's Hold on CSB Nominee's
6/3/14 Senators Coburn, Burr, McCain, and Flake introduce the Veterans Choice Act
Date Title
5/30/14 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Resignation of Sec. Shinseki
5/29/14 Members of Congress ask Congressional Leaders to Reaffirm Their Support for the Earmark Ban
5/27/14 McConnell, Hatch and Coburn Question Accuracy of Obamacare Subsidies
5/21/14 Senators Ask How Departments Monitor their Medical Workforce Programs
5/21/14 Coburn, McCaskill Introduce Bill to Remove Idle Earmarks within Department of Transportation
5/15/14 Coburn Statement on the Passage of Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act
5/14/14 Senator Coburn files amendments to H.R. 3474, the Tax Extenders Bill
5/7/14 Dr. Coburn Launches Probe of Sequestration’s Impact
5/7/14 Dr. Coburn Files Amendments to the Energy Efficiency Bill, S. 2262
5/2/14 Senate Doctors Introduce the SCOPE Act to Limit Power of Secretary of HHS
5/1/14 Senators Ask FDA About Guidance Plans for Generic Abuse-Deterrent Formulations of Opioids
5/1/14 Senators Coburn and Udall Circulate Bipartisan Letter in Support of Earmark Ban
Date Title
4/28/14 Coburn Statement on Passage of DATA Act
4/10/14 RELEASE: Coburn, Coons Introduce Bill to Empower Medicare Beneficiaries to Adopt Advance Directives
4/9/14 Dr. Coburn Asks How HHS Monitors its Medical Workforce Programs
4/8/14 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on New GAO Duplication Report
4/3/14 Dr. Coburn's Statement on Intel Committee Vote to Declassify Detention and Interrogation Report
4/3/14 Bipartisan Group Introduces Bill to Stop the Government from Selling Reports Available Online for Free
4/2/14 Dr. Coburn Asks NTIS to Stop Selling Free Reports, Including Wastebook
4/1/14 Drs. Coburn & Barrasso Release New Report on Obamacare
4/1/14 Dr. Coburn Files Amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Extension, H.R. 3979
4/1/14 Drs. Coburn & Barrasso Release New Report Chronicling Obamacare’s Flaws
Date Title
3/27/14 Dr. Coburn Files Amendment to the Ukraine Bill, H.R. 4152
3/25/14 Senators Coburn and Burr Ask Canada to Stop Producing Addictive Opiods
3/14/14 Udall, Coburn Welcome Support for Proposal to End Unemployment Benefits for Millionaires as Part of Extension of Long-Term Jobless Benefits
3/13/14 Senators Introduce Bill to Stabilize Funding for Patent and Trademark Office
3/13/14 Senate Says No to Childcare Handouts For Millionaires
3/12/14 Dr. Coburn Files Amendments to Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, S. 1086
3/12/14 Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill Requiring Bureaucracy to Disclose Programs
3/11/14 Senate Says So Long to Taxpayer Funded Conventions for Political Elite
3/6/14 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Commend Senate on Confirmation of Critical DHS Leadership
Date Title
2/26/14 Dr. Coburn Files Amendments to the Veterans Benefits Bill, S. 1982
2/26/14 Coburn Releases New Health are Cost Report
2/25/14 Dr. Coburn Releases Hold Letter Regarding S. 657, the Near East and South Central Asia Religious Freedom Act of 2013
2/18/14 Senate Doctors Question CMS Plan to Test ICD-10 Codes
2/14/14 Dr. Coburn asks Department of Labor to Investigate Wasteful Spending
2/12/14 New GAO Report Finds DHS Ammunition Purchases Declined Since 2009
2/12/14 Senators Ask FDA About Plan to Prevent Abuse, Misuse, and Diversion of Recently Approved Opioid
2/10/14 Dr. Coburn Asks IRS to Clarify Enforcement of Individual Mandate
2/5/14 Dr. Coburn Outlines Problems with the VA
2/5/14 Dr. Coburn Sends Letter to Vice President Biden Regarding Duplication in Job Training Programs
2/4/14 Dr. Coburn Releases New Report on Cybersecurity Files
Date Title
1/30/14 Dr. Coburn Asks DHS For Unredacted Documents
1/28/14 Dr. Coburn Files Amendments to the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014, S. 1926
1/27/14 Dr. Coburn sends letter to Acting Commissioner Winkowski Regarding Mexican Military
1/22/14 Senators Question Secretary Sebelius' "Free" Medicare Benefits
1/16/14 Dr. Coburn Announces His Decision to Leave the Senate at the End of the 113th Congress
1/15/14 Dr. Coburn's Preliminary Summary of the FY 2014 Omnibus Bill.
1/15/14 CRS Issues CHIMPs Report
1/14/14 New GAO Report Finds Transparency Discrepancies with IT Dashboard
1/9/14 Coburn Supports Federation of State Medical Board’s Efforts to Advance Medical Licensure Compact
1/8/14 GOP Senators Express Concern Over HHS IG Report Citing Insufficient Oversight of Electronic Health Record Program
1/8/14 Senators Coburn, Warren Introduce Truth in Settlements Act to Make Federal Agency Settlements More Transparent
1/7/14 Carper, Coburn Highlight New Administration Proposal to Combat Fraudulent Drug Diversion From Medicare
1/7/14 Federal Agencies Continue Improper Payments to Deceased People
1/7/14 Dr. Coburn Files Amendments to the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act, S. 1845
1/7/14 New GAO Report Finds Weaknesses with DHS’s Effort to Upgrade Key Border Enforcement System
1/6/14 Senators Highlight New Assessment on Government’s Transition to Major Telecommunications Contract Program
Date Title
12/20/13 Dr. Coburn Releases Hold Letter Regarding S. 944, the Veterans Health and Benefits Improvement Act of 2013 Files
12/19/13 Inspector General: Running Obamacare’s Exchanges Is The “Top Management Challenge” for HHS In 2014
12/17/13 Coburn Releases Annual Wastebook Highlighting Most Egregious Spending of 2013
12/16/13 Donnelly, Coburn Introduce Bill to Preserve Access to Manufactured Housing
12/16/13 Coburn to Introduce Wastebook 2013 at Tuesday Press Conference
12/12/13 HHS Responds to Dr. Coburn on Health Care Workforce Projections, Acknowledges Country Faces Shortage of 20,400 Primary Care Physicians by 2020
12/12/13 Members Commend Senate Finance Committee Inclusion of PRIME Act Amendment
12/12/13 Coburn, Feinstein Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Eliminate Corn Ethanol Mandate
12/11/13 Dr. Coburn's Opening Statement on HSGAC Mayorkas Vote
12/10/13 New GAO Report Shows Agencies Can Do More to Increase Contract Savings with Reverse Auctions
12/5/13 New Report on Efforts to Repeal, Defund, and Delay the Affordable Care Act
12/3/13 Dr. Coburn Calls for Preservation of In-Office Ancillary Services Exemption in SGR Reform
12/2/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on IG Report Showing Serious Weaknesses with DHS’s Own Cybersecurity
Date Title
11/22/13 Dr. Coburn Warns Unions Should Not Receive Special Exemptions From Obamacare
11/21/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Yellen Nomination
11/20/13 Committee Reports Secretary of DHS Nomination to Full Senate
11/19/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014
11/14/13 CODE RED: Obamacare After One-Month of Enrollment
11/14/13 Dr. Coburn and Rep. Lee Call for New AIDS Treatment Goal
11/12/13 Senators Burr, Coburn, Chambliss Reintroduce Public-Private Employee Retirement Parity Act
11/8/13 Dr. Coburn’s speech to the New Hampshire Republican Party celebrating the 160th birthday of the GOP
11/6/13 Facts About CBO Scoring of Program Integrity Provisions
11/6/13 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Advances Bipartisan Bill to Consolidate Federal IT Infrastructure, Save Taxpayer Dollars
11/1/13 Senators Warn New Report Highlights Administration’s Failure to Anticipate Shortages of Health Care Providers
Date Title
10/31/13 Bennet, Coburn, Ayotte Introduce Bill to Consolidate Federal IT Infrastructure and Reduce Waste
10/31/13 Senators Highlight New GAO Report on Security Clearances
10/31/13 HHS Haunts Taxpayers by Paying Millions to Deceased and Undocumented Individuals
10/29/13 Coburn Calls Out Parochial Congress in New Oversight Report on National Park Service
10/28/13 Coburn to Introduce New Oversight Report on National Park Service at Tuesday Press Conference
10/25/13 On Eve of Anniversary, Coburn Presses Administration on Sandy Recovery Efforts
10/17/13 Dr. Coburn's Statement on Debt Limit Vote
10/16/13 Dr. Coburn’s Bill “Requiring E-VERIFI” Act of 2013
10/14/13 CBO Warns Continued Rise in Federal Health Spending Threatens Sustainability of Budget, Economic Growth
10/10/13 Coburn Asks PGA to Clarify Tax-Exempt Status
10/6/13 Dr. Coburn Releases Report on Social Security Disability Fraud
Date Title
9/27/13 Coburn Calls for Shut Down of All Wasteful Spending in Statement on CR Vote
9/26/13 Defunding Obamacare and the CR: Your Questions Answered
9/25/13 Ranking Member Coburn Issues Statement on Postal Service’s Rate Increase
9/24/13 17 Senators Call on HHS to Extend "Stage 2" for Health IT Meaningful Use Requirements
9/24/13 Dr. Coburn Urges Institute of Museum and Library Services to Reconsider Role in Promoting Obamacare
9/19/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Continue Oversight in Wake of Navy Yard Shooting
9/19/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Continue Oversight in Wake of Navy Yard Shooting
9/18/13 Coburn Introduces Bill to Restrict Professional Sports Leagues from Qualifying as Tax-Exempt
9/18/13 Bennet, Coburn Amendment Reduces Government Waste by Consolidating IT Infrastructure
9/17/13 Coburn, Manchin Drop Bipartisan Legislation to Hold Pentagon Accountable For Financial Audit
9/16/13 Senators Highlight GAO Report Detailing Improper Social Security Disability Insurance Payments
9/12/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Highlight GAO Report on Duplicative IT Investments
9/12/13 Dr. Coburn Urges Speaker Boehner and Leader Reid to Retain BCA Spending Restraints in New Letter
9/12/13 Dr. Coburn Praises House Passage of Bill Requiring Income Verification for Obamacare Subsidies
9/11/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to the Energy Efficiency Bill
9/11/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Asks OMB to Curtail Agencies' Spending Spree as Fiscal Year Ends
9/11/13 CRS Outlines Progress of Dismantling Obamacare
9/11/13 Ten Years Later—Ten Challenges Facing the Department of Homeland Security
9/11/13 New Report Shows DHS Procurement Practices Waste Millions
9/9/13 Timeline: Dr. Coburn's Effort to Eliminate the Bay State Bailout
9/6/13 Senators Question OPM Granting HHS Special Hiring Authority to Implement Health Reform Law
9/5/13 Medicare Actuary: Coburn-Lieberman Medicare Plan Saves $535 B, Could Extend Program’s Solvency for Decades
Date Title
8/22/13 GAO Report Recommends CMS Action to Better Manage Medicare Contractors
8/12/13 Dr. Coburn to Host August Town Hall Meetings in Oklahoma
8/6/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Pens New Letter to Judiciary Questioning Lavish Conferences Amid Sequestration Reductions
8/2/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Introduce Bipartisan Postal Reform Bill
Date Title
7/31/13 Dr. Coburn and Senator Paul Introduce Legislation to Restore Constitutional Limitations on Congressional Power
7/30/13 Congressional Research Service: Government Shutdown Does Not Shut Down Obamacare
7/30/13 OPED: On the Budget, Let's Take Action Where We Agree
7/29/13 Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Legislation to Better Manage Federal Property
7/25/13 Dr. Coburn Releases Hold Letter on Generalized System of Preferences Extension Bill
7/25/13 Carper, Coburn Introduce Legislation to Curb Improper Payments to Deceased Individuals
7/25/13 Dr. Coburn's Statement for the Record on Nomination Hearing for Alejandro Mayorkas
7/24/13 Carper, Coburn Introduce Legislation to Curb Improper Payments to Deceased Individuals
7/24/13 Dr. Coburn Sends Finance Committee List of 25 Tax Extenders to Eliminate
7/24/13 Senators Introduce Bill to Limit Lavish Government Conferences
7/23/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to the Transportation and HUD Appropriations Bill
7/18/13 Dr. Coburn Releases Correspondence with DHS Regarding Ammunition Purchases
7/18/13 Bipartisan Group of Senators Reach Deal to Lower Rates for All Students
7/17/13 Senators Introduce Bill to Limit Use of “Official Time” in Federal Workforce
7/11/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Asks Department of Education to Prioritize Student Support Programs Over Lavish Conferences
7/10/13 Thune, Senate Republicans Call on President to Permanently Delay ObamaCare for All
7/10/13 Dr. Coburn Questions HHS Financial Management in Joint Letter with Rep. Boustany
7/10/13 Drs. Coburn and Boustany Question HHS Secretary Sebelius, Say Audit Reveals “Ongoing Significant Weaknesses in HHS’ Financial Management”
7/10/13 Dr. Coburn Asks GAO to Conduct Full Review of IRS' Non-Profit Oversight
7/9/13 How the House Can Get Immigration Reform Right
7/3/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Administration’s Decision to Delay Employee Mandate
7/3/13 Coburn Ask IRS to Clarify Practices for Employees Paid to do Union Work Full-Time in Joint Letter with Rep. Gingrey
7/2/13 Levin, Coburn Release GAO Report Finding U.S. Corporations Pay an Average Effective Tax Rate of 12.6 Percent
Date Title
6/27/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Passage of Senate Immigration Bill
6/27/13 Bipartisan Group of Senators Forge Student Loan Compromise
6/27/13 Senators Reject Department of Interior’s Federal Hydraulic Fracturing Regulation with Introduction of FRESH Act
6/27/13 Senators Manchin, Burr, Coburn, Alexander, King Introduce Bipartisan Permanent Student Loan Solution
6/27/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on DOMA Ruling
6/26/13 The Obama Administration’s Decision Terminates the Insure Oklahoma Program
6/26/13 Senators Coburn, McCain, Ayotte Ask that the U.S. Department of the Air Force Meet Their NDAA Deadline in Letter to Acting Secretary Fanning
6/21/13 Senators Question Tavenner on Effectiveness of New Innovation Center
6/21/13 Current record
6/20/13 Senators Express Concerns With Navigator Proposed Regulation in Letter to Secretary Sebelius
6/20/13 Coburn and McCaskill Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Means-Test Medicare Premiums
6/20/13 Sequester This: Coburn Finds Little Evidence of Sequester Diet at USDA as Agency Binges on Spending
6/20/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to Immigration Bill
6/19/13 Senators Klobuchar, Toomey, Shaheen, and Coburn Request That The GAO Examine Price Transparency for Medicare Beneficiaries
6/19/13 Coburn Asks Treasury To Stop Making Excuses and Release Conference Spending
6/18/13 Boxer, Coburn Praise Senate Passage of the Hope Act
6/17/13 McCaskill, Coburn Seek Support from Colleagues on Revision to Health Care Law
6/14/13 Examining Medicare Spending: What’s Realistic to Expect?
6/13/13 By The Numbers: Entitlements Drive Spending
6/13/13 Washington's Leadership Crisis
6/13/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Urges DOJ to Stop Crying Wolf on Sequester and Address Abundance of Wasteful Spending
6/10/13 Senators Carper, Coburn and Congressmen Roskam, Carney Lead Bipartisan Effort to Combat Billions of Dollars in Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare and Medicaid
6/6/13 Bipartisan Senate Coin Legislation Offers Taxpayer Savings, Deficit Reduction
6/6/13 GAO Report Highlights Defense Department’s Failure to Curb Improper Payments
6/6/13 Senators Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reduce Overlapping Benefit Payments
6/5/13 Dr. Coburn Asks Why IRS Conferences Were Omitted in Previous Treasury Response
6/5/13 Dr. Coburn Asks VA to Clarify Policy on Employees Paid to do Union Work While Veterans Face Backlog
6/3/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Highlight Release of Federal Program Inventory
6/1/13 TEST
Date Title
5/31/13 #SequesterThis: Congress Should Lead By Example and Address Waste in the Legislative Branch
5/29/13 Dr. Coburn Questions Secretary Sebelius' Solicitation of Private Funds to Implement Health Care Reform
5/23/13 Senators Coburn and Pryor Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Require Federal Employees to Pay Federal Taxes
5/21/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to Farm Bill
5/21/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Oklahoma Tornadoes
5/20/13 Dr. Coburn Questions HUD on Use of Disaster Aid Funds Spent on Television Advertisements
5/17/13 Senators Question Reports of FAA Salary Bonuses as Sequestration Approached
5/16/13 Senators Coburn, Burr React to GAO Report on Hospital Payment Modification
5/16/13 Senate Doctors Introduce Bill To Stop Adoption of ICD-10 Codes
5/16/13 New CRS Memo Shows HHS Secretary is the IPAB-of-One
5/15/13 Senators Coburn, Burr Introduce Bill to Prevent Unrealistic Medicaid FMAP
5/15/13 GAO Report Identifies Cost-Saving Strategies for Contracting for Services
5/14/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Highlight GAO Report on Data Center Consolidation Progress
5/14/13 Dr. Coburn Outlines Necessary Conditions for Unanimous Consent Agreements in Letter to Senate Colleagues
5/9/13 Senators Hatch, Carper, Coburn, McCaskill, Johnson Follow Up on HHS' Use of Surety Bonds
5/7/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to the Water Resources Development Act
5/7/13 Social Security Report Calls for Increased Attention to the Death Master File
5/6/13 GAO Report Outlines Improper Federal Employees’ Compensation Payments
5/6/13 Dr. Coburn Asks Treasury to Outline Plan for Addressing the Debt Limit
5/1/13 GAO Report Describes Medicaid Improper Payments
5/1/13 Sequester This: Interior Department Counting Sheep While Threatening to Reduce Flood Predicting Programs
5/1/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Continue Oversight of Boston Bombings
Date Title
4/24/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to the Marketplace Fairness Act
4/24/13 Senators Coburn and Udall Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent Duplication and Overlap of Federal Programs
4/24/13 Sequester This: Coburn Asks FAA to Address $1.2 Billion in Potential Savings Before Scapegoating Sequestration for Flight Delays
4/23/13 Burr, Coburn, Thune Introduce Public Employee Pension Transparency Act
4/18/13 Dr. Coburn Criticizes the FAA’s Decision to Furlough Air Traffic Controllers Instead of Making Smart Cuts
4/18/13 Change Medicare to Save Medicare
4/17/13 Coburn and Upton Issue Statement on FDA Opioid Drug Application Ruling
4/17/13 Dr. Coburn Files Amendment to Replace Manchin-Toomey
4/16/13 New GAO Report Calls for Improved Reporting of the Effectiveness of Training Programs for Federal Acquisition Personnel
4/16/13 GOP Senators Release White Paper on Health IT, Cite Concerns
4/16/13 Coburn Asks Treasury to Investigate Athletic Charitable Organizations
4/12/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Thank DHS Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute For Her Service
4/12/13 Why I’m Fighting to Protect Gun Rights
4/12/13 Dr. Coburn Pens Letter to Senate Colleagues on Gun Control Legislation Files
4/11/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Vote to Begin Debate on Second Amendment Issues
4/10/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Manchin-Toomey Proposal
4/10/13 Coburn Statement on USPS Board of Governors Decision to Back Away From Modified Delivery
4/10/13 Duplication Nation: Dr. Coburn Urges Administration to Take Action on Findings from New GAO Report
4/9/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Highlight Report Detailing Potentially Duplicative Government Programs and Wasteful Spending
4/9/13 Duplication Nation: New Report Finds $95 Billion in Waste and Duplication
4/8/13 Alexander, Burr, Johanns, Coburn, Cornyn Call on Obama Administration to Reexamine Plan to “Undermine Care” by Raising the Cost of In-home Companion Care
4/4/13 GAO Report Finds Overlap with Information-Sharing, Problems with Fusion Centers
4/3/13 Dr. Coburn Asks HUD to Prevent Improper Hurricane Sandy Payments After New Report Identifies $700 Million Misspent Post Katrina
Date Title
3/28/13 Senators Hatch, Grassley, Coburn Request Information on CMS Moratorium Authority in Letter to Secretary Sebelius
3/28/13 Duplication Nation: New Report Identifies 82 Fragmented Federal Wind-Related Programs Costing Billions
3/27/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Calls on Agencies to Cut AWOL Workers Before Furloughing Critical Employees
3/27/13 Dr. Coburn Releases Letter Exchange Regarding DHS Grants Being Used to Pay Police Overtime
3/22/13 Dr. Coburn to Host Town Hall Meetings in Oklahoma
3/21/13 Coburn Offers Amendments to the Senate Budget, Says Everyone is Part of the Solution
3/21/13 Coburn and Issa to USPS: Use Your Authority to Proceed with Modified Six-Day Delivery Plans
3/20/13 Senate Votes to Protect Wine Trains over White House Tours; Limits Political Science Grants
3/13/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to 587-Page, $1 Trillion Continuing Resolution to Fund the Government
3/13/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Calls on Treasury to Place Priority on Tax Payers Instead of Tax Collectors
3/12/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Calls on National Science Foundation to Focus on Transformative Science; Eliminate Funds for Robot Rodents and Attendance to Snow Mobile Conferences
3/8/13 Dr. Coburn Releases Letter to Sen. Schumer on Gun Negotiations Files
3/8/13 Sequester This: Coburn Calls on HUD to Stop Overpaying Slumlords, Housing Authority Executives in Order to Prevent Low-Income Families from Being Evicted
3/7/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Calls on FAA to Stop Hiring Community Planners and Program Assistants, Institute Reforms to Programs Not Releated to Flight Safety
3/6/13 Sequester This: Potentially Furloughed Employees Stay Home Because of SnowQuester, But Feds Still Hiring for Nonessential Positions
3/5/13 Dr. Coburn Releases Joint Letter to FDA on Abuse-Deterrent Opioid Drugs
3/4/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Calls on USDA to Cancel Conferences and Instead Inspect Food
Date Title
2/28/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Reduce Federal Vehicle Budget
2/26/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Issues Outline of Immediate Areas For Agencies to Save as Sequester Approaches, Highlights Oversight Reports
2/26/13 Dr. Coburn Urges Consolidation of Duplicative Programs and Positions to Lessen Sequestration Effects in Letter to OMB
2/26/13 Dr. Coburn Asks DOD to Cut Waste Before Furloughing Essential Personnel
2/25/13 Dr. Coburn Urges DHS to Focus Sequestration Cuts on Wasteful and Duplicative Low-Priority Projects First, Lists Examples
2/25/13 Dr. Coburn Questions Staffing Priorities of Agency Managers in Letter to OMB as Sequestration Approaches
2/22/13 Dr. Coburn Calls for Administration to Cancel 100 City Tour Promoting Federal Spending on Eve of Sequestration in Letter to OMB
2/12/13 Senate Rejects Amendments Protecting Victims of Sex Crimes
2/7/13 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to S. 47, the Violence Against Women Act
2/6/13 Coburn, Issa Support Postal Service Modified Saturday Delivery Plan
2/5/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement Regarding the President’s Remarks on Sequestration
Date Title
1/30/13 Coburn, McCaskill Introduce Bill to End Medicare Payment Gimmick in Health Reform Law
1/23/13 Coburn, Mark Udall Introduce Bill to End Taxpayer Subsidies for Party Conventions in 113th Congress
1/16/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on President Obama’s Gun Control Proposals
1/8/13 Why the Foreign Assistance Transparency and Accountability Act does Nothing for Transparency or Accountability
1/2/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Fiscal Cliff Vote
Date Title
12/20/12 Acting HHS General Counsel Bill Schultz's Q&A from Nomination Hearing
12/19/12 Prescription for Trouble
12/18/12 Dr. Coburn Submits Amendments to the Sandy Supplemental Bill
12/10/12 Dr. Coburn Asks President and Congressional Leaders to Tackle Tax Code in Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
12/6/12 Dr. Coburn Outlines Ten Special-Interest Expenditures Hidden in Tax Code Files
Date Title
11/29/12 Dr. Coburn Sends Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office, Regarding Future GAO Duplication Reports
11/29/12 Two New Studies Shed New Light on GOP Senators' Concerns With Federal Electronic Health Record Incentives Program
11/28/12 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act
11/26/12 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to the Sportsmen's Bill
11/16/12 Dr. Coburn’s Exchange of Letters with Francis Collins, Director of the National Institute of Health, Regarding Legislative Mandates for Disease Specific Research
11/15/12 Senator Coburn’s Speech to the American Spectator’s Annual Dinner "A Valley Forge Moment for Conservatives"
Date Title
10/23/12 Dr. Coburn Sends Letter to Governor Fallin Highlighting Concerns With Potential Medicaid Expansion
10/3/12 Dr. Coburn's Letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack Regarding Regulations on School Lunches
Date Title
9/13/12 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to the Veterans Job Corps Act of 2012
9/13/12 Social Security Disability Programs: Improving the Quality of Benefit Award Decisions
Date Title
8/6/12 OPM Responds to Coburn's Request for Explanation, Legal Basis Regarding New Rule Extending FEHBP Coverage to Temporary Firefighters
8/3/12 HRSA Responds to GAO Findings & Senators' Request for Plan to Address Deficiencies, Ineffective Management at HRSA
8/2/12 Dr. Coburn Offers Alternative Way to Pay for S. 3326 (AGOA, CAFTA-DR, BURMA) Trade Bill
8/1/12 Dr. Coburn Expresses Concerns Over Earmarked Funding in the National September 11 Memorial & Museum Act
Date Title
7/31/12 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to the Cybersecurity Bill
7/12/12 Dr. Coburn Files Amendments Prohibiting Subsidies for Millionaires and Tax Cheats, Scaling Back Medicare Benefits for the Wealthy, and Repealing the Obamacare Health Insurance Tax
Date Title
6/19/12 Farm Bill Amendments Update
6/12/12 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to the S. 3240, Farm Bill
Date Title
5/29/12 ICD-10 Implementation Date: Better Never Than Later?
5/24/12 Senate Agrees on National Flood Insurance Program Files
5/22/12 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to the FDA User Fee Bill
5/21/12 GAO Report Confirms Warnings From Drs. Coburn, Barrasso About Obamacare Small Business Tax Credit
5/17/12 Dr. Coburn Asks the RNC & DNC to Reject Public Financing For Political Party Conventions
5/15/12 Facts About Duplication & Overlap in the Federal Government
5/9/12 HHS Announces 26 Grants From Innovation Center But Data Suggests It’s Likely A Waste of Money
Date Title
4/25/12 Dr. Coburn's Efforts to Limit Spending on Government Conferences
4/25/12 Dr. Coburn's Duplication Consolidation Amendment to the Violence Against Women Act
4/24/12 New CMS Medicare Rule Affirms Coburn's Warning of Special Massachusetts "Bay State Bailout" Under President's Healthcare Law
4/23/12 Medicare Actuary Warns Program’s Financing Outlook Could Be More Dire Than Official Projections Files
4/19/12 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to the Postal Reform Bill
Date Title
3/29/12 New Survey: 75% of Physicians Largely Oppose the Affordable Care Act, the President’s Healthcare Law
3/28/12 Dr. Coburn Filed the Following Amendments to Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act
3/27/12 Joint Committee on Taxation Confirms Tax Increases in President’s Health Care Law
3/9/12 Dr. Coburn & Colleagues Requests HHS Release Study on Head Start Program
3/8/12 Senate to Vote on Coburn Duplication Amendment #1738 to the Highway Bill, S.1813
Date Title
2/28/12 New GAO Report Exposes More Duplication & Overlap in the Federal Government
2/27/12 The National Rural Health Association Voices Opposition to the Special Deal for Massachusetts under the New Health Care Law
2/16/12 Coburn, Burr Introduce Plan to Save Medicare, the Seniors’ Choice Act
2/14/12 Dr. Coburn Filed the Following Amendments to the Highway Bill (S.1813)
Date Title
1/30/12 Dr. Coburn Filed the Following Amendments to the STOCK Act
1/9/12 Senators Coburn & Scott Brown Send Letter to CMS Acting Administrator Asking on Implementing Recommendations to Reduce Medicare Fraud
Date Title
12/23/11 Dr. Coburn Urges Review of Disability Claims & Potentially Fraudulent Practices of Law Firm
12/13/11 Coburn, Hatch Request Explanation from HHS Over Lack of Transparency & Oversight in CMS
12/8/11 Sens. Coburn & Feinstein Circulate Letter to Colleagues on Expiring Ethanol Subsidies
Date Title
11/30/11 Unemployment Insurance Program: Billions of Dollars of Waste, Fraud and Mismanagement
11/30/11 Dr. Coburn Asks the Senate to Vote on His Amendment Providing Funding to Students & Local Schools By Closing Unnecessary Defense Dept Schools
11/30/11 New CRS Report on How to Repeal the New Health Care Law
11/29/11 Sens. Coburn & Hatch Send Follow-Up Letter to CMS Outlining Concerns with Medicare Provider Enrollment Programs
11/17/11 Dr. Coburn Supports State-Based Health Insurance Exchanges
11/2/11 Administration Fails to Meet Deadlines In Its Own Health Law
Date Title
10/18/11 Dr. Coburn Filed the Following Amendments to the "Minibus" 2012 Appropriations Bill
10/14/11 Dr. Coburn & Senator Boxer Request Examination on Questions of Law School Transparency
10/7/11 CRS Report on Majority Leader Reid Limiting Debate by Filling the Amendment Tree
10/6/11 If You Like the Health Plan You Have, Your Employer Might Drop It
10/4/11 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendment to Prohibit Foreign Aid For Countries Owning U.S. Debt Files
Date Title
9/29/11 Dr. Coburn & Colleagues Address Unfair Cuts to GAO's Budget, Request Explanation from Senate Appropriators
9/26/11 National Coalition on Health Care to Super Committee: Pass the FAST Act
9/21/11 Dr. Coburn Sends Letter to Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction Regarding Tax Expenditures
9/21/11 New Report Shows New Healthcare Law Main Impediment to Job Creation
9/20/11 Sens. DeMint, Lee, Coburn & Johnson Address Concerns Regarding Duplicative & Wasteful Federal Autism Programs
9/15/11 Dr. Coburn Files Amendment #610 to Offset $7 Billion FEMA Funding Bill
9/14/11 Dr. Coburn Calls on Congress to Adopt Amendment to Aviation & Surface Transportation Bill to Allow States to Prioritize Critical Infrastructure Needs, Remove Mandate Forcing States to Spend Funds on "Transportation Enhancements"
9/13/11 FAST Act Facts: Dr. Coburn's Anti-Fraud Medicare & Medicaid Bill
9/13/11 FACT CHECK: Examining The President’s Claims on Medicare
9/9/11 Re-examining PPACA’s Federally-Mandated Medical Loss Ratios
9/8/11 Dr. Coburn Calls Up His Amendment to the Patent Reform Bill
Date Title
8/22/11 Letter Requesting Transportation Secretary LaHood Provide Full Justification of Subsidy Cut Waivers
8/17/11 The Truth About Retirement Benefits for Members of Congress
8/16/11 New Report Shows 4 out of 5 Seniors Could Save Money From Medigap Reform
8/11/11 Concerns with the Institute of Medicines’ Review of the FDA’s 510(k) Process, Waste of $1.3 Million Taxpayer Dollars
Date Title
7/27/11 9,000,000,000,000 Ways to Balance the Budget
7/22/11 Dr. Coburn on C-SPAN's Washington Journal This Morning
Date Title
6/29/11 Dr. Coburn Introduces Amendment #521 to Identify & Prevent the Creation of More Government Duplication
6/22/11 Dr. Coburn Filed an Amendment to S.679, Requiring All Legislation To Be Reviewed for Duplication Before Considered by the Senate
6/9/11 Today, Dr. Coburn Filed an Amendment to Eliminate Ethanol Subsidies to S. 782, the EDA Reauthorization Bill
6/7/11 What Others Are Saying About the Coburn-Burr-Chambliss Medicaid Bill, S. 1031
Date Title
5/24/11 Dr. Coburn & Colleagues Send Letter to Secretary Sebelius & CMS Administrator Berwick Regarding Proposed ACO Regulation
5/23/11 CRS Report Findings Indicate Committees Are Primary Source of Backlog in the Senate Confirmation Process
5/18/11 Dr. Coburn Requests Investigation on Eligibility of Certain Individuals Collecting Social Security Disability Insurance
5/13/11 Don’t Miss These Details
Date Title
4/13/11 New Report Reveals Overbilling of Treasury Department by Law Firms, Misuse of TARP Funds
4/4/11 Dr. Coburn's amendments to cut spending by $20 billion
Date Title
3/29/11 Coburn Questions ATR's Defense of Ethanol Tax Earmark
3/24/11 Organizations Send Letters of Support for Eliminating Ethanol Tax Credit
3/24/11 New CRS Report Reveals $4.8 Billion in Earmarks Left Out of Spending Bill
3/21/11 CRS Confirms White House Could Recess Appoint Controversial Medicare Czars
3/18/11 GOP Senators Call on President to Show Leadership on Entitlement Reform
3/17/11 Medicare Ad Wars: Propaganda vs. Program Integrity, 4 to 1?
3/16/11 Dr. Coburn Co-Sponsored Sen. Snowe's Amendment to Eliminate the National Veterans Business Development Corporation (TVC)
3/10/11 Drs. Coburn & Boustany Send Letter to HHS Secretary Sebelius Concerning Findings in HHS Financial Audit
3/9/11 Sens. Coburn, Cardin receive letter of support from over 34 organizations for their bill to eliminate ethanol subsidies
3/3/11 Dr. Coburn files bill to enforce the President's recommendations for program terminations, saving billions
3/3/11 New Report: Medicaid Expansion Will Cost States $118 Billion
3/3/11 Today, GOP Senators Sent a Letter Notifying Leadership of Their Intent to Object to Any Bill That Grows the Size or Cost of the Government
3/1/11 Dr. Coburn's Amendment to S.23, the Patent Reform Bill
Date Title
2/18/11 Today CBO released a full score of repealing the Democrats’ health overhaul
2/18/11 Sens. Coburn, Crapo & Chambliss Respond to Charges that Plan to Avert Debt Crisis Violates American Tax Reform's Pledge
2/17/11 Sens. Coburn & McCaskill Filed a Bill That Would Collect Unpaid Taxes From Federal Employees
2/17/11 Sens. Coburn & Carper Send Letter to GAO and Other Agencies Regarding Unobligated Balances in the Federal Government
2/16/11 Dr. Coburn Has Filed the Following Five Amendments to the FAA Reauthorization Bill
2/10/11 CBO Director Confirms the Health Law Causes a Reduction of 800,000 Workers
2/7/11 Financial Audit of the Department of Health & Human Services Reveals Concerning Findings for FY2010
2/7/11 Dr. Coburn Signs Letter with GOP Colleagues to Speaker Boehner Regarding Greater Spending Reductions
2/1/11 Dr. Coburn Urges Military Joint Chiefs of Staff to Focus on Improving Financial Management at DoD
Date Title
1/26/11 Dr. Coburn Co-Sponsors Bill to Repeal Job-Killing Tax on Medical Devices
1/24/11 Repealing the Federal Health Law Saves American Taxpayers Money
1/7/11 Dr. Coburn's office finds new evidence of unused Congressional Records wasting taxpayer dollars
1/6/11 CBO’s Initial Findings On Repealing The Health Overhaul: Lower Premiums, Reduced Costs to Taxpayers
1/4/11 Laudable Provisions in Fiscal Commission Health Care Recommendations
Date Title
12/21/10 Detailed Outline of Dr. Coburn's Position on The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act
12/15/10 Working Database of All Earmarks Included in the Omnibus Spending Bill Files
12/14/10 Dr. Coburn Has Filed the Following Amendments to H.R.4853, the Latest Middle Class Tax Relief Act
12/9/10 Congress’ End-Of-Year Spending Bill Empowers Bureaucrats and Funds The Controversial New Federal Health Care Law
Date Title
11/17/10 Today, Dr. Coburn filed two amendments to the Food Safety bill
11/10/10 Earmark Myths and Realities
Date Title
10/26/10 What Others Are Saying About "Grim Diagnosis"
10/7/10 Dr. Coburn Not Holding Aid to Haiti
Date Title
9/29/10 Dr. Coburn Introduces Bill To Stop Medicare and Medicaid Fraud “FAST”
9/29/10 Dr. Coburn Plans to Offer Nine Bills by Requesting Passage by Unanimous Consent Before the Senate Adjourns
9/24/10 Dr. Coburn Introduces Ensuring Greater Food Safety Act of 2010
9/23/10 Today, Dr. Coburn Cosponsored a Bill to Strike CLASS Act Provision in New Health Care Law
9/15/10 Detailed Concerns with S.510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010
9/8/10 What Happens to Americans Without Health Insurance?
Date Title
8/27/10 How Much Does the Federal Health Overhaul Cost States?
8/25/10 Dr. Coburn Requests HHS Secretary Sebelius Provide “Open And Transparent Accounting” Of How Americans’ Tax Dollars Are Spent
8/17/10 Dr. Coburn is original co-sponsor of the Health Care Bureaucrats Elimination Act, S.3653
8/11/10 Revealing New Study: Medicaid Patients More Likely to Die After Surgery, Have Longer Stay and Higher Costs
8/5/10 Coburn, Hatch Introduce Bill to Exclude Abortion Coverage from Health Care Law
8/5/10 First Findings From Medicare Trustees Report
8/5/10 Today, Senator Coburn sent a letter to GOP colleagues that could save taxpayers $2 billion
8/3/10 Sens. Coburn, Barrasso, Burr, McCain & Thune Send Letter to Sec. Sebelius Questioning HHS Campaign Ad
Date Title
7/21/10 Dr. Coburn Introduces Bill Prioritizing Treatment in Global AIDS Effort
7/21/10 Coburn Motions to Suspend the Rules to Pay For The Extension of Unemployment Benefits
7/15/10 Financial Reform's Empty Promises
7/7/10 Bad Medicine: a check-up on the new federal health law by Drs. Coburn & Barrasso
7/2/10 Dr. Coburn to Host Town Hall Meetings in Oklahoma
Date Title
6/30/10 Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee Reach Day 3 of SCOTUS Nominee Hearing on Elena Kagan
6/30/10 SCOTUS gun ruling a prelude to bigger fights on individual rights
6/30/10 Sens. Coburn, Cornyn, Thune, McCain, and LeMieux Ask HHS OIG About Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Under the New Health Law
6/30/10 Some Americans Have Already Lost Their Health Coverage As a Result of the New Health Care Law
6/29/10 New Health Law: Cuts Nearly $530 Billion From Medicare For New Entitlement Program
6/28/10 Dr. Coburn's opening remarks at the Judiciary Committee hearing of Elena Kagan Files
6/24/10 Dr. Coburn's Bipartisan Legislation, S.3335 the Earmark Transparency Act of 2010 Now Being Considered in the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Gov't Affairs
6/22/10 Important News for Contractors and Renovators: EPA Delays Enforcement of Lead-Based Paint Rule
6/20/10 Joint Committee on Taxation: Only 7% of Americans Receive Insurance Subsidy Under New Health Law
6/17/10 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendment #4331 to the Tax Extenders Bill
6/17/10 Dr. Coburn Supports Thune Amendment to Tax Extenders Bill & Calls Washington Out for Saying No to Cutting Spending
6/16/10 The Earmark Transparency Act (S.3335) totals 24 co-sponsors
6/9/10 Dr. Coburn Has Filed the "Debt Extenders" Pay For Amendment 4331 to H.R. 4213, the Tax Extenders Act
6/9/10 Why Words Are Not Enough From a Supreme Court Nominee Files
Date Title
5/27/10 Senate Votes to Undermine Troops, Country with More Borrowing and Debt
5/27/10 New CRS Memo Confirms: New Tax for Insured Americans, Free Care for Illegal Immigrants
5/26/10 Coburn Letter to Debt Commission on Defense Spending
5/26/10 Dr. Coburn has Filed the Following Amendments to Offset the Cost of the War Supplemental Bill Files
5/18/10 Dr. Coburn Asks Colleagues to Support Him in Paying for the Cost of the Annual Supplemental War Appropriations Bill Files
5/12/10 The CMS Actuary released new analysis of the final version of the new federal health care law
5/11/10 Dr. Coburn Has Introduced Bipartisan Legislation Creating Earmark Database Files
5/6/10 Today, Dr. Coburn Filed Amendment 3996 to the Financial Regulations Bill S.3217, Requiring the Elimination of Secret Spending
5/5/10 New CRS Memo Confirms Enforcement of Individual Mandate Penalties Is Destined for Failure
Date Title
4/28/10 Senate Committee Accepts Unprecedented Earmark Ban in Disaster-Related Program
4/27/10 Opening Statement of Senator Tom Coburn
4/27/10 Today, Dr. Coburn will participate in the first meeting of the President’s Debt Commission taking place at the White House
4/26/10 CRS Reports Explain the Effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Americans and Pre-existing Health Care Provisions
4/22/10 Dr. Coburn Requests Explanation From OPM For Spending Taxpayers Dollars on Campaign to Improve Public's View of Government
4/13/10 Dr. Coburn Filed the Following Amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Extensions Bill
4/7/10 CRS Confirms Sex Offenders Could Get Viagra Through New Health Law
4/2/10 Members of Congress Get Special Treatment to Avoid Requirements of New Federal Health Care Law
Date Title
3/25/10 Coburn Demands Extensions Bill Be Paid For
3/25/10 Senator Coburn Filed the Following Amendments to the Reconciliation Bill
3/23/10 Senator Coburn has filed the following amendments to the reconciliation bill
3/19/10 At a news conference yesterday, Dr. Coburn vowed to block any special deals for House members who switch their vote from “no” to “yes” on the health care bill.
3/15/10 "Dear Colleague" Letter: Majority of Physicians Reject Current Bills
3/8/10 Groups endorse Coburn PAYGO amendment
3/3/10 Coburn PAYGO Amendment
Date Title
2/22/10 Guns in Parks Fact Sheet
Date Title
1/26/10 Coburn Calls on Congress to Eliminate Government Spending
1/20/10 Coburn Offers Amendment to Reduce Federal Spending, Not Increase National Debt
1/12/10 23 GOP Senators Send Letter to Sen. Harry Reid on health bills' compliance with Honest Leadership & Open Government Act of 2007
1/7/10 Coburn Letter on Southers Reservations and Objections
Date Title
12/21/09 Coburn Highlights Government Waste and the Need for Greater Congressional Oversight
12/6/09 Senate Health Care Bill Costs Taxpayers $6.8 million per word
12/3/09 Coburn Amendments to the Democrat Health Care Bill
Date Title
11/18/09 Coburn's efforts to improve the Caregiver and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act
11/5/09 Facts about the Veterans Caregiver Bill
Date Title
10/14/09 Medicaid Malpractice: New CRS Memo Confirms Medicaid Patients Have Higher Rate of Infant Mortality
10/7/09 Commerce, Justice & Science Appropriations Bill Amendments and Background
Date Title
9/29/09 Coburn Amendments to the Defense Appropriations Bill
9/23/09 The Health Care Debate and What it Means to You
9/22/09 Dr. Coburn's Interior Appropriations Amendments and Background
9/15/09 Coburn Amendments to THUD Appropriations Bill
Date Title
8/6/09 Clunkers for Charity
8/4/09 Coburn Amendments to the Agriculture Appropriations Bill
Date Title
7/29/09 Coburn's 2010 Energy and Water Appropriations
7/9/09 Coburn Letter to Budget Director on Stimulus Performance Metrics Files
7/6/09 Coburn Raises Constitutional Point of Order Against Lone Earmark in Legislative Branch Approps Bill
7/6/09 Coburn Amendment puts Senate Expenditures Online
Date Title
6/16/09 Dr. Coburn Releases Stimulus Oversight Report
6/2/09 Coburn Amendments to the Family Smoking and Prevention Act
Date Title
5/12/09 Coburn Gun Amendments 1067 and 1068
5/5/09 Coburn Offers Amendment to Dispose of Unneeded Federal Buildings
5/1/09 OMB Responds to Coburn's Letter on Transparency
Date Title
4/22/09 Coburn Amendments to The Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
Date Title
3/31/09 $3.9 trillion 2010 Budget Resolution Amendments and Highlights
3/17/09 Omnibus Lands Package, AKA Anti-Stimulus, Returns to Senate
3/2/09 Coburn Corruption and Waste Elimination Amendments Files
3/2/09 Omnibus Highlights and Numbers Files
Date Title
2/13/09 Update on Coburn Provisions and Waste in Final Stimulus Bill
2/9/09 Coburn list of wasteful, non-stimulative spending in new stimulus
2/5/09 Coburn's Amendments to the Generational Theft Act, AKA Senate Stimulus Files
2/3/09 Coburn Fights Generational Theft Act, AKA Senate Stimulus Bill Files
Date Title
1/29/09 Senate Rejects Opportunity to Provide Health Care to Needy Children at No Additional Cost Files
1/7/09 Senate Leaders to Kick Off New Congress with an Earmark-Laden Omnibus Lands Bill Files
Date Title
10/16/08 Highlights of Senator Reid's Omnibus Lands Grab and Energy Restrictions Act Scheduled for Debate Next Month Files
Date Title
9/27/08 Coburn Comments on the Fiscal Year 2009 Continuing Resolution
9/26/08 Reid Neglects Economy to Pursue Pet Projects
9/17/08 Reid's Monkey Business Continues Files
Date Title
8/21/08 Coburn Applauds HHS Action on Physician Conscience Rights Files
8/1/08 Democrats Hold Civil Rights and Child Pornography Legislation as a Political Hostage
Date Title
7/30/08 NIH Director to Congress: Disease-Specific Mandates Undermine Potential for New Scientific Discoveries
7/28/08 Reid Omnibus: By the Numbers
7/25/08 CBO Says Reid Omni Costs $10 Billion to Implement Files
7/24/08 Dr. Coburn's Good Faith Negotiations Ignored Files
7/21/08 Reid's National Priorities? Files
7/2/08 Dr. Coburn's Reauthorization Agenda: SAVE PEPFAR!
7/2/08 The U.S. Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
7/1/08 Reauthorization Legislation Threatens Successful PEPFAR Program
7/1/08 Preserving the Winning Formula on Global AIDS
Date Title
Date Title
5/22/08 African AIDS treatment advocates could force a hold on PEPFAR bill among US Senators
5/16/08 USDA Spends Over $90 Million on Conferences
5/13/08 U.S. Senators Support African AIDS Delegation Call to Save Seven Million Lives through PEPFAR
5/8/08 Dam Needed to Stop Flood of Debt to Next Generation
Date Title
4/28/08 Dr. Coburn's Rejects Idea of New Government Bureaucracy
4/22/08 FY 2008 Federal Government Spending Breakdown per Household
4/11/08 Coburn Calls for Investigation into Coconut Road Earmark
4/10/08 Coburn Protects Land Owners from Government Bureaucrats
4/3/08 Coburn Fights for Veterans and Fights Against Wasteful Spending
Date Title
3/14/08 Dr. Coburn's Efforts Fix GINA
3/11/08 Coburn's Speech on the 2009 Budget
3/3/08 Dr. Coburn Amendment to Ensure Scientists Conduct Research, Not Politicians
Date Title
2/14/08 Dr. Coburn's amendments to fix the broken Indian Health Care system
Date Title
1/29/08 Dr. Coburn's Federal Land Bill Amendments
1/24/08 Coburn's official visit to Taiwan
Date Title
12/18/07 Additional Information on the Omnibus
12/17/07 Omnibus Spending Shows Congress is Out of Touch With American Priorities
12/14/07 Coburn Amendment Protects Taxpayers from Excessive FHA Liability
12/12/07 Holding Strong Against Wasteful Spending
12/10/07 Dr. Coburn Cuts Wasteful Spending in the Farm Bill
12/6/07 Omnibus Appropriations Bill Would Result in Earmark Explosion
12/5/07 Dr. Coburn Tells Colleagues He Will Fight Year End Spending Spree in Congress
Date Title
11/8/07 Defense Conference Report Loaded with Pork
11/6/07 Dr. Coburn's amendments to the Farm Bill
11/6/07 Citizen Groups Support Coburn 'No-Bid' Earmarks Amendment
11/2/07 Dr. Coburn Urges Politicians to Put Patients Ahead of Politics
Date Title
10/31/07 Coburn Amendments to Amtrak Reauthorization Bill
10/17/07 Coburn Amendments to Labor/HHS/Education FY08 Appropriations Bill
10/4/07 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to Commerce, Justice and Science FY08 Approps
10/4/07 Expanding SCHIP Is Move Toward Government-Run Health Care
Date Title
9/28/07 Dr. Coburn Explains Hold on NICS bill
9/21/07 Dr. Coburn Seeks Senate Vote on Raising the Debt Limit
9/20/07 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to FY 2008 Defense Authorization Bill
9/18/07 Dr. Coburn's amendments to the DC College Access Act
9/12/07 Dr. Coburn Requests Oversight Report on Transportation Earmarks
9/11/07 Dr. Coburn's amendment to the FY 2008 Transportation/HUD Appropriations bill
Date Title
8/28/07 Congress celebrates the Year of the Golden Pig
Date Title
7/31/07 New Senate ethics bill eviscerates earmark reform
7/25/07 Coburn, DeMint amendment to DHS appropriations bill would prohibit earmarking "no bid" government grants and contracts
7/23/07 Dr. Coburn's amendments to the 2007 Higher Education Act reauthorization
7/19/07 Judiciary committee approves Dr. Coburn's amendments on patent reform
7/19/07 Dr. Coburn asks Pentagon to review all defense earmarks
7/17/07 Dr. Coburn's amendments to the DoD authorization bill
Date Title
6/12/07 Dr. Coburn asks President Bush to fulfill border security provisions
6/11/07 Dr. Coburn urges the Judiciary Committee for more consideration of patent reform bill
6/7/07 Dr. Coburn Stands for Science - Rachel Carson and the Death of Millions
6/7/07 Dr. Coburn's "trigger" amendment to S. 1348, the immigration reform bill
6/5/07 Dr. Coburn inquires about spending for NOAA's anniversary celebrations
Date Title
5/31/07 Dr. Coburn writes HHS about HIV/AIDS mismanagement in Puerto Rico
5/22/07 Dr. Coburn to amend "no confidence" in Gonzales resolution
5/10/07 Congress fails to set priorities with current WRDA bill
5/9/07 Senate Passes Bill Penalizing 'Medical' Marijuana Dealers
Date Title
4/24/07 Dr. Coburn's amendments to the America COMPETES Act, S. 761
4/24/07 Senate Armed Services Committee allowing senators to request earmarks from which they or their spouse could financially benefit
4/18/07 Dr. Coburn urges Senate to offset new spending rather than add to the national debt
4/12/07 Dr. Coburn writes Secretary Geren about the Army's rifle procurement process
4/12/07 Dr. Coburn seeks to enforce earmark disclosure requirements
Date Title
3/26/07 Senate supplemental funding bill loaded with pork, non-emergency items
3/14/07 The 9/11 Commission bill
3/12/07 Senate breaking earmark moratorium, gearing up for 2008 requests
3/5/07 Sacrifice - the great American heritage
Date Title
2/14/07 Debating the continuing resolution
2/7/07 What's next for the War in Iraq?
Date Title
1/30/07 Do we need to increase the federal mininum wage? Files
1/12/07 Real reform for the Senate ethics bill
1/4/07 The Coburn Principles
Date Title
12/14/06 109th Congress Convenes
Date Title
11/16/06 Coburn amendments to the Agriculture Appropriations bill
Date Title
10/19/06 Subcommittee Oversight Efforts Identify $1.1 TRILLION in Waste or Questionable Spending
10/10/06 Coburn Seeks Passage of 'Earmark Report Card'
10/6/06 Major HIV/AIDS Oversight Action
10/1/06 Global AIDS Treatment Cost - Can we afford to treat 7 million as Dr. Coburn demands?
Date Title
9/26/06 Ryan White CARE Act Reauthorization
9/26/06 President Bush Signs Coburn/Obama Transparency Act
Date Title
8/23/06 Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Files
8/2/06 Coburn amendments to the Department of Defense Appropriations bill
Date Title
7/17/06 Major Points For Ethical Stem Cell Research and Against Embryonic Stem Cell Research
7/14/06 Stem Cell Facts and Resources
7/12/06 Coburn amendments to Homeland Security appropriations bill
Date Title
6/22/06 Coburn amendments to Defense authorization bill
6/9/06 Improve Access, Quality of Health Care Files
6/7/06 Stop the Senate from approving the Native Hawaiian Government Reform Act
6/7/06 Senate rejects Marriage Protection Amendment
Date Title
5/2/06 Stop the Senate from approving non-emergency projects in the emergency supplemental
Date Title
12/14/05 Dr. Coburn letter to HHS on Ryan White CARE Act formulas and ADAP funding