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Sep 12 2013

Dr. Coburn Praises House Passage of Bill Requiring Income Verification for Obamacare Subsidies

Files companion bill to Senate Energy Efficiency Bill

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement today following House passage of H.R. 2775, the “No Subsidies Without Verification Act,” a bill that will require the Obama administration to have an income verification in place before doling out Obamacare subsidies. Dr. Coburn has filed a companion bill to the Senate energy efficient bill. 

“I applaud the House, and particularly Representative Diane Black, for taking this important step to stop billions of dollars of fraudulent Obamacare payments. Obamacare, as currently written, invites fraud because it caps the amount of money the federal government can recoup from overpayments sent to Americans who are not eligible for them.  This embarrassing lack of verification means taxpayers across America will be forced to subsidize the health care of individuals who may not qualify for benefits,” Dr. Coburn said.

“Sadly, the administration has already threatened to veto this legislation, which verifies my concerns about fraud.  If the administration was confident in its verification system they should welcome this legislation.  They obviously know their system is not adequate, yet they are prepared to defraud millions of working families rather fix an absurd ‘honor system’ that makes the pre-crash housing market look like the gold-standard of accountability. 

“Senate Majority Leader Reid should take up the House bill and reject the administration’s justification of fraud.  I would also urge organizations dedicated to defunding, repealing and replacing Obamacare to join this effort and not give the administration tacit support with their silence. 

“At a time when reformers are debating the best way to defund, repeal and replace Obamacare, this approach stands out as a successful path forward.  The American people want results, not rhetoric.  They are tired of gimmicky quick-fix strategies that are designed to help Washington politicians and fundraisers rather than change laws and help patients and working families.  Reformers have shown time again that Obamacare can be undermined when we unite around sound strategies.  As the non-partisan Congressional Research Service has noted, Obamacare has already been modified 19 times.  This bill can bring that count to 20,” Dr. Coburn said.


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