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Dr. Coburn offered the following amendments to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, S. 1243.

Amendment #1750 and Modified Amendment #1750—To Prohibit Federal Funds From Paying the Salaries of Federal Tax Cheats

Adds federal employees and other individuals (such as independent contractors), who have not paid their taxes to the list of entities prohibited from receiving funds under this bill.  Additional information here

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste

Supported by Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Amendment #1751—To Prohibit Federal Funds From Being Used for Union Activities by Federal Employees While On the Clock

Prevents any taxpayer dollars in this bill from paying the salaries of federal employees engaged in union activities as part of their official federal position.  In 2011 the total government cost of official time was over $155 million. Additional information here.

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste

Amendment #1752—Strikes Small Community Air Service Development Program Funding

Strikes from the bill, funding for the Small Community Air Service Development Program, which received a $6 million last year despite the President’s elimination request for the 4th year in a row.  Additional information here.  

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste

Supported by Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Amendment #1753—Strikes extension of Interagency Council on Homelessness already authorized through 2015, to Prevent Further Duplication

Currently authorized through 2015, THUD would extend the Interagency Council on Homelessness authorization through 2020. This amendment strikes this extension to provide the opportunity address duplication. Additional information here.  

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste

Amendment #1754—To Prohibit Federal Funds from Being Used to Meet Matching Requirements of Federal Homeless Assistance Grants  

One provision in the THUD bill expressly allows any other federal funds to meet a matching requirement for homeless assistance grants.  This amendment would prohibit federal funds from being used to meet the matching requirements for purposes of receiving these grants. Additional information here.    

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste

Amendment #1755—Strikes Specific Exemption for Alaska, Mississippi, Iowa, and Los Angeles County from Law requiring Public Housing Authorities (PHA) to Have a Resident on their Board

Three states and one county received a special exemption from law stating PHAs must have a resident on their boards.  The bill instead allows PHAs in these jurisdictions to create resident advisory boards.  This amendment would strike the specific exemptions for these PHAs. Additional information here.  

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste

 Amendment #1756— Requires all Reports to be Made Available to Congress and Non-classified Reports Made Public

Requires all reports required in the bill to be made available to all members and the public. Additional information here.   

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste

Supported by Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Amendment #1757—Requires a Report From the Secretary of HUD on Legislative Options to Update the Community Development Block Grant Formula 

The formula to distribute the portion of CDBG automatically doled out every year has not been updated since 1974.  This amendment requires HUD to conduct a thorough analysis of how Congress can redesign the formula to ensure the poorest areas are receiving funds. Additional information here.  

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste.  

Supported by Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Amendment #1758—Reduces funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to Level Recommended by President - $2.8 billion

The THUD bill levels funds the CDBG program, at roughly $3.2 billion annually.  This amendment would reduce CDBG funding by $44 million to bring it in line with the President’s proposed spending level. Additional information here.

Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste.   

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