Right Now

Dr. Coburn filed the following amendments to S. 601, the Water Resources Development Act:

Amendment 804 - To require agencies to report annually on owned, purchased and lost guns and ammunition.  Additional information here.  

Amendment 805 - To protect the right of individuals to bear arms, in accordance with state laws,  at water resources development projects administered by the Secretary of the Army.  Additional information here

Failed 56-43.

Amendment 814 – To reduce federal subsidies for ongoing beach renourishment.  Cosponsored by Sens. Flake and McCain.  Additional information here.  

*Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste* 

*Supported by Taxpayers for Common Sense*

Amendment 815 - To stop federal subsidies for ongoing beach renourishment from being extended to 65 years.  Cosponsored by Sens. Flake and McCain.  Additional information here.

*Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste* 

*Supported by Taxpayers for Common Sense*   

Failed 43-53.

Amendment 816 – To remove restrictions on projects the infrastructure deauthorization commission may consider.  Cosponsored by Sens. McCaskill and McCain.  Additional information here.

*Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste* 

*Supported by Taxpayers for Common Sense*           

Failed 32-61.

Amendment 823 – To ensure environmental infrastructure activities are not exempt from review by the infrastructure deauthorization commission.   Cosponsored by Sen. McCain.  Additional information here.

*Supported by Citizens Against Government Waste* 

Amendment 858 - To provide for the disposition of certain federal land originally purchased for a lake that never materialized located in Texas County, Oklahoma.  Additional information here.  

Date Title
5/31/13 #SequesterThis: Congress Should Lead By Example and Address Waste in the Legislative Branch
5/29/13 Dr. Coburn Questions Secretary Sebelius' Solicitation of Private Funds to Implement Health Care Reform
5/23/13 Senators Coburn and Pryor Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Require Federal Employees to Pay Federal Taxes
5/21/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to Farm Bill
5/21/13 Dr. Coburn’s Statement on Oklahoma Tornadoes
5/20/13 Dr. Coburn Questions HUD on Use of Disaster Aid Funds Spent on Television Advertisements
5/17/13 Senators Question Reports of FAA Salary Bonuses as Sequestration Approached
5/16/13 Senators Coburn, Burr React to GAO Report on Hospital Payment Modification
5/16/13 New CRS Memo Shows HHS Secretary is the IPAB-of-One
5/16/13 Senate Doctors Introduce Bill To Stop Adoption of ICD-10 Codes
5/15/13 Senators Coburn, Burr Introduce Bill to Prevent Unrealistic Medicaid FMAP
5/15/13 GAO Report Identifies Cost-Saving Strategies for Contracting for Services
5/14/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Highlight GAO Report on Data Center Consolidation Progress
5/14/13 Dr. Coburn Outlines Necessary Conditions for Unanimous Consent Agreements in Letter to Senate Colleagues
5/9/13 Senators Hatch, Carper, Coburn, McCaskill, Johnson Follow Up on HHS' Use of Surety Bonds
5/7/13 Current record
5/7/13 Social Security Report Calls for Increased Attention to the Death Master File
5/6/13 GAO Report Outlines Improper Federal Employees’ Compensation Payments
5/6/13 Dr. Coburn Asks Treasury to Outline Plan for Addressing the Debt Limit
5/1/13 GAO Report Describes Medicaid Improper Payments
5/1/13 Sequester This: Interior Department Counting Sheep While Threatening to Reduce Flood Predicting Programs
5/1/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Continue Oversight of Boston Bombings