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Dr. Coburn offered the following amendments to S. 954, The Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013:

Amendment 953 - Crop Insurance AGI: Reduces by 15% the amount of crop insurance premium subsidy support provided to any entity with an adjusted gross income over $750,000, and will save nearly $1.1 billion over ten years. Additional information here.  

Supported by:

R Street Institute

Americans for Tax Reform

American Conservative Union

Taxpayers for Common Sense

Campaign for Liberty

National Taxpayers Union

Competitive Enterprise Institute

Cost of Government Center

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste


Taxpayers Protection Alliance

Less Government

Center for Individual Freedom

Passed 59-33

Amendment 1001 - Food Stamps: Returns the title of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to its original name, the Food Stamp program. Additional information here.  

Amendment 1002SNAP Promotion Limitation: Limits the amount of SNAP funding that may be used to promote increased participation and enrollment in the program to 1% of overall funds and prevents SNAP funding for soap operas and parties. Additional information here

Amendment 1003 -  Farm Subsidies for Tax Cheats: Prohibits those who have willfully neglected to pay their income taxes from receiving government assistance under the Farm Bill, with an exemption for SNAP recipients. Additional information here

Amendment 1004 -  No Conservation Payments to Millionaires: Removes a special rule that allows USDA to waive income limitations for conservation payments, which it does on a regular basis, saving approximately $225 million over a five year period.  Additional information here.  

Amendment 1005 -  Duplication in Food Assistance Programs: Requires USDA, HHS, and FEMA to consolidate overlapping and duplicative food assistance programs and to evaluate the effectiveness of all remaining programs. Additional information here.

Amendment 1006 -  Specialty Crops: Retains funding for the Specialty Crop Block Grants program at current levels and ensures these funds are spent on the production, access, and safety of specialty crops rather than marketing and promotion. Additional information here

Amendment 1007 -  Market Access Program: Reduces funding for the Market Access Program by 20% in accord with the President’s budget and ensures those funds are not spent on wasteful items such as pet hair care products, wine tastings, and reality TV shows. Additional information here

Amendment 1010 -  ICD-10 Codes: Prohibits the implementation by HHS of costly, burdensome ICD-10 codes in our health care system. Additional information here

Amendment 1076 - Bonuses During Sequestration: Prohibits performance awards in the Senior Executive Service during sequestration periods.  Additional information here.    

Amendment 1123 - Rural Utilities Service: Requires the Rural Utilities Service to ensure that grants and loans to provide access to broadband telecommunications services are made to rural areas that do not already have broadband access. Additional information here.

Amendment 1141 -USDA Regulations: Requires USDA to review panel provisions from Regulatory Flexibility Act.  Additional information here

Supported by:

National Federation of Independent Business

Amendment 1152 - Junk Food Purchases with SNAP: Requires the Secretary of Agriculture to approve state demonstration projects that limit the purchase of junk food under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Additional information here

Supported by:

New York City's Office of the Mayor 

Date Title
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