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CODE RED: Obamacare After One-Month of Enrollment

Enrollments into Obamacare Exchanges from Oct 1-Nov. 2, 2013:

  • The House Ways and Means Committee has this good breakdown:
    • HHS official projections for October: 494,620
    • Inflated “enrollment” numbers for October:106,185
    • Inflated “enrollment” numbers for October in state-run Exchanges: 79,391
    • Inflated “enrollment” numbers for October in federally-run Exchange: 26,794
  • The numbers show that, in states with the federally-run Exchange, on average, there were only 23 people per day that enrolled during the first month.
  • In the first month of the exchanges, 106,185 individuals selected an insurance plan from a federal or state exchange, which includes people who have and have not paid their first premium.
  • Overall:
    • HHS says 396,261 people have been determined to be eligible for Medicaid or CHIP. This means that for every 3.7 people added to Medicaid/CHIP, only 1 person enrolled in private coverage.
    • 502,446 is the total number of people enrolled in a private plan or who are eligible for Medicaid/CHIP.
    • Only 10% of people who were determined to be eligible for a marketplace plan have actually selected a plan –4% within federal marketplace, and 21% within state-based marketplaces.
  • 74% of applications were completed online, 26% were filled out on paper
  • HHS says “the marketplaces have helped a total of 1,477,853 persons by determining or assessing that they are either eligible to enroll in a marketplace plan, Medicaid, or CHIP.” However, only 34% of people they claim they have helped have actually selected a private insurance plan or are eligible for Medicaid/CHIP.

Oklahoma-Specific Enrollment Numbers:

  • Only 346 people have selected a plan (5% of total applications)
  • 2,412 have been determined to be eligible for Medicaid/CHIP.
  • 6,905 applications have been completed, representing 14,169 people. 
    • 9,952 people are eligible for private health insurance through the marketplace
    • 1,432 people are eligible to enroll in a private plan with federal subsidies.

But Wait, Even Though the President Said  “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It”……

  • Today, RPC released a map of cancellations per state (data not yet available for Oklahoma) which offers a grim snapshot.
  • The RPC map highlights that “for every one person who has selected an Obamacare plan, 40 people have received cancellation notices.”
  • According to RPC’s tally of media coverage, 4.2 million people have received insurance cancellations. 