Right Now

Dr. Coburn is proposing to cut spending by $20 billion as the Senate debates the small business bill. He has filed the following eight amendments to S. 493 and looks forward to their adoption. Targets include ethanol, funding for PBS and duplications identified by GAO.

1. Eliminate funding for the ethanol subsidy: $4 billion. Background here (Amendment #220)

2. Eliminate funds for leftover earmarks: $4.8 billion. Background here (Amendment #218)

3. Eliminate program duplications identified by GAO: $5 billion. Background here (Amendment #273)

4. Eliminate unemployment payments to millionaires: $20 million. Background here (Amendment #281)

5. Reduce new car purchases by the government: $900 million. Background here (Amendment #221)

6. Eliminate funds for ‘covered bridges’ program: $8.5 million. Background here (Amendment #217)

7. Eliminate taxpayer subsidies for CPB: $550 million. Background here (Amendment #222)

8. Identifies, discloses, and describes every federal program. (Amendment #184)

9. Prohibits federal funds from being used to pay off TARP obligations. Background here (Amendment #279)