Right Now

March 9, 2011
The Honorable Thomas Coburn The Honorable Benjamin Cardin
United States Senate United States Senate
172 Russell Senate Office Building 509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senators Coburn and Cardin:

We strongly support your legislation, the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit Repeal Act, to end the refundable Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit (VEETC).

If enacted immediately, your legislation would save taxpayers nearly $4 billion over the remainder of 2011. Non-partisan agencies like the Congressional Budget Office and the Government

Accountability Office have already concluded that the subsidy is unnecessary, and leading economists agree that ending it would have little impact on ethanol production, prices or jobs.

We applaud you for your leadership on this important issue and encourage Congress to pass this legislation swiftly.


ActionAid US

American Bakers Association

American Meat Institute

Americans for Limited Government

California Dairies, Inc.

Clean Air Task Force

Clean Water Action

Competitive Enterprise Institute

Dairy Producers of Utah

Environmental Working Group

Friends of the Earth

Grocery Manufacturers Association

International Dairy Foods Association

League of Conservation Voters

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

PLANT (Partners for the Land & Agricultural

Needs of Traditional Peoples)

Milk Producers Council

National Chicken Council

National Council of Chain Restaurants

National Meat Association

National Restaurant Association

National Taxpayers Union

National Turkey Federation

National Wildlife Federation

Natural Resources Defense Council

Northwest Dairy Association

Oxfam America

Sierra Club

Snack Food Association

Southeast Milk Inc.

Union of Concerned Scientists

Taxpayers for Common Sense

World Wildlife Fund

(PDF version of the letter here)