Right Now

March 24th - the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste President Thomas Schatz sent a letter of support for S. 520, the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit (VEETC) Repeal Act, a bill recently introduced by Senators Coburn and Cardin that would eliminate the $6 billion provided annually to subsidize blenders of ethanol. Read the letter from CCAGW here.

March 29th - Taxpayers for Commonsense circulated a letter urging members of Congress to support the Coburn-Cardin amendment to eliminate the ethanol tax credit and save taxpayers $6 billion in this year alone. Read the letter from Taxpayers for Commonsense here.

March 30th - President of the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association (NPRA), Charles Drevna, sent a letter of support for the Coburn-Cardin bill (S. 520) and the Coburn amendment (#220) to end the ethanol tax credit. Read the letter from NPRA here.