Right Now

Today, the Earmark Transparency Act (S.3335) added Senator Burr as a co-sponsor bringing the total number of co-sponsors for the bill to 24. Also today, twenty eight organizations today sent a letter to every member of Congress asking them to co-sponsor the Earmark Transparency Act.

The list of organizations include:

The Sunlight Foundation

Open the Government.org

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

Public Citizen

Center for Democracy and Technology

OMB Watch

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste


Center for Responsive Politics

Project on Government Oversight

National Taxpayers Union

Americans for Tax Reform

Center for Fiscal Accountability

Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas

Special Libraries Association

Government Accountability Project

Essential Information

Liberty Coalition



Rutherford Institute

American Association of Law Libraries

Society of Professional Journalists

Society of American Archivists

Mark Tapscott, Editorial Page Editor, The Washington Examiner

National Freedom of Information Coalition

Alliance for Patient Safety.org

U.S. Bill of Rights Foundation