Right Now

The upcoming "emergency" spending bill that will include supplemental war appropriations and other items, could cost as much as $60 billion, none of which is paid for. In a letter to his colleagues, Dr. Coburn urges Congress to act responsibly by offsetting the cost of the bill with cuts to lower-priority federal spending.

While the needs of our military men and women must be fully met, providing the necessary equipment and supplies needed for a safe return home, continuing to spend money we do not have will only lead us further down an unsustainable course. As a result of Congress' inability to make tough decisions, billions of taxpayer dollars continue to fund wasteful, inefficient and politically-motivated projects within the Department of Defense that provide very little value to our troops.

To read Dr. Coburn's "Dear Colleague" letter, please click here. For additional information on waste, fraud, and abuse within the Department of Defense and State, please click here.