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Guns in Parks Fact Sheet

On February 22, 2010, the Secretary of Interior lifted a total gun ban in national park and refuges as a result of a Congressional statute passed on May 22, 2009. This bill was overwhelmingly passed by both the House and the Senate, endorsed by the Secretary of the Interior and signed by the President. The following facts are worth considering:

0 – The number of states with a stricter gun control ban than the gun ban created by unelected federal bureaucrats for visitors in national parks and refuges.

2 – The number of Constitutional Amendments strengthened by this act. The 10th amendment clearly allocates to the states all power and responsibility not explicitly granted to the federal government. This bill returns to the states the ability to regulate firearm possession in national parks and refuges. The 2nd amendment recognizes that law-abiding Americans have the right to bear arms for personal protection. This bill removes a long-standing gun ban which prohibits Americans from defending themselves.

346 – The number of Members of Congress who voted for this provision to be implemented. This number includes 67 Senators and 279 Representatives.

1936 – The year the gun ban in national parks was implemented without Congressional input.

1976 – The year the gun ban in national refuges was implemented without Congressional input.

5094 – The number of Part I crimes in 2006 in national parks and refuges (including 16 homicides, 41 rapes, and 16 kidnappings).

110,000 – The number of visitors per law enforcement officers at national parks.

118,000 – The number of acres per law enforcement officer in national parks.

550,000 – The number of acres per law enforcement officer in national refuges.

174,000,000 – The number of acres managed by the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and on which the gun ban was effective. This area is greater than 7 percent of the entire U.S. and larger than every state except for Alaska.

For further background click here.

Date Title
2/22/10 Current record