Right Now

The Senate will consider the 4 divisions of Coburn amendment #3303 under four separate votes, as follows:

1. Division I: Directs the Government Accountability Office to annually identify federal programs, agencies, offices, and initiatives with duplicative goals and activities, to estimate the cost of such duplication, and to make recommendations for consolidation and elimination of such duplication;

2. Division II: Cut Congress’s budget by $245 million (which would return Congressional spending to Fiscal Year 2009 levels);

3. Divisions III-XV: Repeal excessive overhead, eliminates wasteful spending, and consolidates duplicative programs within the federal bureaucracy, excluding the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs (estimated savings of nearly $22 billion);

4. Division XVI: Cancel the expenditure of federal funds that have been unspent for all least two years and are not obligated for any purposes (savings of over $100 billion).

Each division requires 60 votes for passage.

Dr. Coburn will speak up to 15 minutes followed by votes on each of the four divisions.