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Amendment 1225: Requires the Food and Drug Administration to regulate state-legalized marijuana in the same manner as other drugs marketed for medical purposes, as well as marijuana products intended to be consumed as a cigarette in the same way the underlying bill regulates tobacco. Also applies the “Synar Amendment” to marijuana—current law which requires States to take action against retailers that sell tobacco to minors.

Click here for additional background information on amendment 1225.

Amendment 1226: Requires GAO to perform an independent study of FDA’s tobacco regulatory activities to determine their effectiveness. Specifically, this amendment would require GAO to assess whether the express goals of this legislation are being accomplished. 

Click here for additional background information on amendment 1226.

Amendment 1227: This amendment expands on the provision in this bill that applies these regulations to Indian Tribes and eliminates a provision that would restrict the Secretary’s ability to impose “no-sale” determinations on non-complying tribal retailers.

Click here for additional background information on amendment 1227.

Date Title
6/16/09 Dr. Coburn Releases Stimulus Oversight Report
6/2/09 Current record