Right Now

Dr. Coburn has informed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) of his intention to amend the Democrat’s resolution expressing “no confidence” in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales with a resolution expressing “no confidence” in Congress’ ability to balance the budget.

Excerpts of letter to McConnell:

"… It is hypocritical for the Senate to grand stand for political purposes while ignoring its own shortcomings that threaten the solvency of Social Security and Medicare and the standard of living of future generations."

"The Senate has a responsibility to be good stewards and secure the future for our children and grandchildren. We must, therefore, first hold Congress accountable for its failures, before pointing fingers at the shortcomings of others, by acknowledging and accepting the lack of confidence that the public has in Congress’ unwillingness to cut wasteful spending and balance the budget. "

Click here to read the entire letter.