Right Now

Excerpts from Dr. Coburn's floor speech on the War in Iraq:

“The fact is we have an obligation – we have an obligation to the very people, the innocent people in Iraq today. We can walk away from that, but history will judge us harshly. The estimates are there will be five million people displaced out of Iraq. There will be between 700,000 and a million additional Iraqis that will die. Do we not have an obligation to make that not happen?”

“We should think long and hard. The American people should not respond just to the urge to get out of Iraq, but respond to the well-thought-out consequences of what happens next, and what happens next [if we pullout of Iraq would be] a disaster not only for the people of Iraq, for the people of the Middle East, but also for the National Security of this country and our ability to carry out a foreign policy in the future. I pray, I earnestly pray that we will consider the actions here and the words here in light of what comes next, not in terms of politics but what happens to our country. Denying the heritage that we have of sacrifice for freedom and liberty, and denying that it costs something and walking away from that, we will reap that which we sow as we walk away from it.”

Click here to read the full statement.

Date Title
2/14/07 Debating the continuing resolution
2/7/07 Current record