Right Now

Jan 04 2007

The Coburn Principles

Dr. Coburn today announced the principles, listed below, he will measure all bills brought before the Senate henceforth:

Coburn Principles for Agreeing to Unanimous Consent on Legislation

  • The bill must conform to the vision of a limited federal government set forth by the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.
  • If a bill creates or authorizes a new federal program or activity, it must not duplicate an existing program or activity.
  • If a bill authorizes new spending, it must be offset by reductions in real spending elsewhere.
  • If a program or activity currently receives funding from sources including but not limited to the federal government, a bill shall not increase the federal government’s share.
  • If a bill establishes a new foundation, museum, cultural or historical site, or other entity that is not an agency or a Department, federal funding should be limited to the initial start up costs with a private endowment for private funding.

Dr. Coburn sent a letter to his colleagues outlining his principles for considering new spending.