Right Now

The U.S. federal government spends more than $21 billion on HIV/AIDS annually, yet up to 59 percent of Americans with HIV are not in regular care and more than a quarter of those who are infected do not know it.

The Ryan White CARE Act is the nation’s largest HIV/AIDS specific support program (Total budget for fiscal year 2006 is $2.065 billion). The authorization for the CARE Act expired a year ago.

President Bush has repeatedly called on Congress to re-authorize this program and Senators Enzi and Kennedy have devised a balanced compromise with their House counterparts to renew and update this program that so many Americans with HIV/AIDS rely upon.

Reauthorization, however, is being held up by a few who have placed parochial political interests above the goal of ensuring fair and equitable funding and access to treatment for all Americans living with HIV.

For more background, click here.

Date Title
9/26/06 Current record
9/26/06 President Bush Signs Coburn/Obama Transparency Act