
Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., said Thursday that within two years, every person in the U.S. could have some kind of health insurance.

That’s if his plan is passed into law.

Called the Universal Health Care Choice and Access Act, Coburn’s plan relies on market forces, a government tax rebate and an emphasis on prevention.

During a conference call with media representatives, Coburn was upbeat and confident about the viability of his proposal.

“We’re trying to create a real insurance market,” he said. “We’ve got to control health care costs. There are two choices; we can use market forces and still have a safety net, or we can have the government ration it.”

Under the Act, individual Americans would be eligible for a “Medi-Choice” tax rebate to buy health insurance. The rebate would be made directly to a patient’s health insurer and would be worth $2,000. Families would receive a $5,000 tax rebate.

The tax rebate could be used for “wellness exams” or to purchase coverage that pays for annual doctor’s office visit. Coburn describes his plan as a “targeted approach” that ensures that lower-income Americans can access the same health care advantages as wealthier Americans. He also said it protects more Americans than plans put forward by President George Bush.

“The Bush plan doesn’t help poor people,” Coburn said. “The idea for this is that everybody gets the same. We’re trying to shift the tax benefit to the individual and away from the corporation.”

Coburn said because employers receive tax breaks for purchasing health insurance for workers, the system rewards corporations, not patients.

Documentation from Coburn’s office said the current tax code provides $208 billion in tax subsidies through businesses, but only offers $12 billion for people who buy health insurance on their own.

“Wealthy Americans receive $2,680 from the government in tax breaks for health care while the poorest Americans get only $102.70,” it stated.

Businesses will be able to offer insurance to their employees, Coburn said.

“This doesn’t affect employers at all,” he said. “Employers are going to keep health insurance because they have buying power.”