Right Now

Protects the Second Amendment rights of veterans (Amendment 3687) - This bill protects veterans from being denied their Second Amendment rights without due process. 

Click here to view amendment text. Click here for additional background.

Prohibits Members of Congress from receiving a pay increase until the budget is balanced (Amendment 3689) - This amendment freezes the pay of Members of Congress until they balance the U.S. government’s budget. This would block this automatic congressional pay raise until Congress stops borrowing money to pay for its excessive spending.

Click here to view amendment text. Click here to view additional background.

The Following Amendment Has Been Killed by a Vote of 57 to 42: Roll Call vote.

No Erectile Dysfunction Drugs To Sex Offenders (Amendment 3556) – This amendment would enact recommendations from the Government Accountability Office to stop fraudulent payments for prescription drugs prescribed by dead providers or, to dead patients. It also prohibits coverage of Viagra and other ED medications to convicted child molesters, rapists, and sex offenders, and prohibits coverage of abortion drugs.

Click here to view the amendment text and click here for additional background.

This amendment was tabled, or killed, by a vote of 57 to 42: Roll Call vote. A “YEA” is a vote to kill the amendment and to allow child molesters and rapists to access Viagra under the new health care exchanges and “NAY” vote is a vote to support consider of the amendment and to prohibit Viagra for sex offenders.