Right Now

Dr. Coburn offered the amendments listed below to prioritize spending and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse of federal dollars.

Cobrun Amendment 3530 – Prohibits federal farm assistance for deceased farmers.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has paid out over a billion dollars to the estates of farmers after they had passed away. The amendment would prohibit federal agencies from distributing agricultural subsidies to dead farmers.  Click here for more information.

Coburn Amendment 3632 – The goal of this amendment is simple: To ensure that limited federal agriculture conservation funding is directed to those who make a living from farming and forestry. In other words, the goal is to make sure that farm payments go to farmers.   Click here for more information.

Coburn Amendment 3807 – Eliminates wasteful spending on golf courses, junkets, cheese centers, and aging barns.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture has directed tens of millions of dollars in federal assistance towards unnecessary projects, such as golf courses, resorts, casinos, and junkets that do not advance this goal.  This amendment will help the USDA focus on fulfilling its mission by prohibiting the funding of non-priority projects and activities related to golf courses, resorts, junkets, artisanal cheese centers and barn preservation.  Click here for more information.