Right Now

Dr. Coburn has filed three amendments, targeting seven congressional earmarks and excessive travel and conferencing by the Department of Justice, to the fiscal year 2008 Commerce/Justice/Science appropriations bill.

Coburn Amendment 3230 would cap Department of Justice conference spending at $15 million and prohibit support for conferences held by groups linked to terrorism.  This amendment has been accepted as a second degree amendment to amendment 3215, and both were agreed to by unanimous consent.

Coburn Amendment 3242 would strike a $2 million earmark for an exhibit at a visitors center in Thunder Bay, Michigan, and shift savings to the national hurricane monitoring center.

Coburn Amendment 3243 would strike six earmarks and transfer savings to the Civil Rights Division to prosecute unsolved crimes from the Civil Rights Era.

Click here to read the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste's letter of support for Dr. Coburn's amendments.