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Dr. Coburn offered two amendments to the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2007.  This bill authorizes funds for Amtrak and passenger rail infrastructure from 2008 through 2012.  Dr. Coburn's amendments were offered to add transparency to Amtrak's operations and to reduce taxpayer subsidies that go towards Amtrak's food and beverage service.
On the Senate Floor, Dr. Coburn said, "What we are going to have is about a $600 million increase between now and 2012 in the amount the American taxpayers are going to subsidize Amtrak. That may be something we want to do. This amendment specifically deals with an area where Amtrak can make a difference right now, and it is on food service. Over the last 3 years, American taxpayers have subsidized food service on Amtrak to the tune of a quarter of a billion dollars.  Nobody expects, when you get on Amtrak rail passenger service, that the rest of us ought to pay for your beer. Nobody expects we ought to pay for your 3 Musketeers candy bar. Yet, in essence, that is what is happening on Amtrak."
Coburn Amendment 3474 - This amendment lays out a plan to reverse Amtrak’s significant income losses related to food and beverage services.  In 2005, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that between fiscal years 2002 and 2004, Amtrak lost $244 million from its food and beverage operations.  While such losses would generally provide enough of an incentive for a regular company to thoroughly examine its business pratices, the large taxpayer subsidy provided to Amtrak allows it to subsist in the absence of needed reforms.  This Amendment was defeated by a roll call vote of 67 to 24.  Click here to see the results of the roll call vote.  Click here to read more about the amendment.
Coburn Amendment 3475 - This amendment requires Amtrak to report to Congress and post on their public website a report that will show financial information on each of Amtrak’s 44 routes and each line of business on those routes. These lines of business included train operations, equipment maintenance, food and beverage service, sleeping cars, ticketing, and reservations.  This amendment was accepted by the Senate by unanimous consent.  Click here to read more about this amendment.