Right Now

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement today regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Hobby Lobby case:

The Supreme Court’s decision today is a victory for all Americans.  The Court wisely affirmed that it is wrong for the government to violate the freedom of conscience and religious liberties of American citizens.  Religious freedom is the foundation of all of our rights and that foundation was strengthened by today’s ruling.

Hobby Lobby’s success has always been based on its owners' – the Green family’s – work ethic and character, which are informed by their religious beliefs.  Hobby Lobby is closed on Sunday, they pay their employees a livable wage, they provide health insurance for their employees, and they support numerous charities across the nation.  I am pleased the Supreme Court sent a message to other business owners and entrepreneurs across America that they don’t have to surrender their Constitutional rights when opening a business.

Finally, this case was not about access to birth control, but government coercion.  Hobby Lobby, which employs thousands of Americans across the country, provides its employees with quality health care insurance, including coverage for nearly all FDA approved contraceptives.  This case was about the federal government forcing Hobby Lobby’s owners to choose between paying for life-ending drugs and devices and violating their beliefs, or crippling their business.  I’m pleased the Court ruled in favor of freedom.
