Right Now

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, released the following statement regarding the White House cyber intrusions reported Tuesday:

“I’m deeply concerned about the reported attacks on White House networks.

“We’ve worked very closely with the administration to improve our nation’s cybersecurity. This year, Chairman Tom Carper and I came together to craft legislation, the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (S. 2521) to help secure federal networks from these sorts of attacks. We included the White House in our negotiations, to make sure we got it right.

“So I’m disappointed that the White House decided not to notify Congress of the breach, even as its officials debated with my staff the need for agencies to tell Congress when they’ve been hacked.

“I have pressed the administration to share details about what has happened and how the attack succeeded. I have yet to receive satisfactory answers. Let us seize this opportunity to work together to protect against this very serious threat to our national security and economy.”
