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Updated CRS Report on Changes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act/”Obamacare”

This updated report summarizes legislative and other actions taken to repeal, defund, delay, or otherwise amend the ACA since the law’s enactment. The information is presented in four appendices.

  • Table A-1 in Appendix A summarizes the authorizing legislation to amend the ACA that has been approved by both chambers and enacted into law.
  • Table B-1 in Appendix B summarizes the ACA provisions in authorizing legislation that passed the House in the 112thCongress (2011-2012) but was not approved by the Senate. It also lists the ACA-related legislation that the House has passed to date in the 113thCongress (2013-2014), but which has not been taken up by the Senate.
  • Table C-1in Appendix C summarizes the ACA-related provisions in enacted annual appropriations acts for each of FY2011through FY2014.Also included is a brief overview of all the ACA-related provisions added to appropriations bills considered, and in most cases reported, by the House and Senate Appropriations Committees since FY2011.
  • Finally, Table D-1 in Appendix D summarizes various administrative decisions taken by HHS and the Department of the Treasury to delay implementation of specific ACA requirements by one year.

Other recent announcements by the Administration that address ACA implementation are also listed.

Date Title
9/27/13 Coburn Calls for Shut Down of All Wasteful Spending in Statement on CR Vote
9/26/13 Defunding Obamacare and the CR: Your Questions Answered
9/25/13 Ranking Member Coburn Issues Statement on Postal Service’s Rate Increase
9/24/13 Dr. Coburn Urges Institute of Museum and Library Services to Reconsider Role in Promoting Obamacare
9/24/13 17 Senators Call on HHS to Extend "Stage 2" for Health IT Meaningful Use Requirements
9/19/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Continue Oversight in Wake of Navy Yard Shooting
9/19/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Continue Oversight in Wake of Navy Yard Shooting
9/18/13 Coburn Introduces Bill to Restrict Professional Sports Leagues from Qualifying as Tax-Exempt
9/18/13 Bennet, Coburn Amendment Reduces Government Waste by Consolidating IT Infrastructure
9/17/13 Coburn, Manchin Drop Bipartisan Legislation to Hold Pentagon Accountable For Financial Audit
9/16/13 Senators Highlight GAO Report Detailing Improper Social Security Disability Insurance Payments
9/12/13 Dr. Coburn Urges Speaker Boehner and Leader Reid to Retain BCA Spending Restraints in New Letter
9/12/13 Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn Highlight GAO Report on Duplicative IT Investments
9/12/13 Dr. Coburn Praises House Passage of Bill Requiring Income Verification for Obamacare Subsidies
9/11/13 Dr. Coburn Offers Amendments to the Energy Efficiency Bill
9/11/13 Sequester This: Dr. Coburn Asks OMB to Curtail Agencies' Spending Spree as Fiscal Year Ends
9/11/13 Current record
9/11/13 Ten Years Later—Ten Challenges Facing the Department of Homeland Security
9/11/13 New Report Shows DHS Procurement Practices Waste Millions
9/9/13 Timeline: Dr. Coburn's Effort to Eliminate the Bay State Bailout
9/6/13 Senators Question OPM Granting HHS Special Hiring Authority to Implement Health Reform Law
9/5/13 Medicare Actuary: Coburn-Lieberman Medicare Plan Saves $535 B, Could Extend Program’s Solvency for Decades