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WASHINGTON— Today, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held a business meeting to consider Jeh C. Johnson’s nomination to be Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ranking Member Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) highlighted the Committee’s decision to favorably report out this important nomination by voice vote. The nomination now goes to the full Senate for consideration. 

“Jeh Johnson’s nomination comes at a critical time for the Department of Homeland Security and for our nation and I thank my colleagues on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee for approving his nomination,” said Chairman Carper. “If confirmed by the full Senate, Mr. Johnson will be met with the dual challenge of combating threats to our nation while also working to further strengthen management at the Department and encourage more cohesion among the Department’s components. This is no easy task, but I am confident that we have a nominee who is up to the challenge. I know this because Mr. Johnson has already served our nation with distinction in difficult jobs -- once as the Air Force’s top lawyer and once as the top lawyer for the entire Department of Defense.  He now brings the skills and experiences that helped him excel in those roles to the top post at the Department of Homeland Security, where I am certain that he will be a strong and effective leader. I now urge my colleagues in the full Senate to swiftly take up, and approve his nomination so Mr. Johnson can get to work.”

“Mr. Johnson is well-equipped to face the enormous task of DHS Secretary,” Dr. Coburn said.  “With so much at stake and with limited financial resources, DHS must work with Congress to ensure that spending on counterterrorism and intelligence programs makes us safer.  The DHS Secretary is integral to this process and is tasked with balancing freedom, privacy and civil liberties with security.  Mr. Johnson demonstrates the qualifications necessary to work side by side with Congress toward these goals, and I am hopeful the Senate will confirm him as soon as possible.”   
