Right Now

On February 1, 2012, Dr. Coburn sent this letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell regarding the National September 11 Memorial and Museum Act of 2011 (S. 1537) a bill authorizing $20 million annually for the memorial and museum. 

The group, 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims, sent a letter supporting Dr. Coburn and a second letter expressing their opposition to S. 1537. 

Click here to read the first letter. Click here for the second letter. 

Click here to read Dr. Coburn's letter responding to concerns from the group, 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America, opposing his hold letter and his questioning the $20 million annual earmark. Click here to read their letter. 

On February 16th, Dr. Coburn sent this letter to Senator Schumer (D-NY) and this letter to Senator Gillibrand (D-NY), responding to a letter he received from the two senators asking him to work with them to pass S. 1537 by proposing placing a tariff on imported American flags as one potential way to pay for the bill. 

Read the letter from Senators Gillibrand and Schumer, here

In March, Senator Coburn sent this letter to Senator Inouye (D-HI), Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, requesting clarification about the information his office provided regarding the budgetary projections of the memorial. Senator Inouye's responded with this letter