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On February 14, 2012, Dr. Coburn filed the following amendments to S. 1813, a bill reauthorizing Federal aid for highways.

Amendment 1626 - To stop subsidizing millionaires for purchasing home renewable energy power systems. Additional background: here.

Amendment 1595 - To require the submission to Congress of reports describing expenditures from the Highway Trust Fund for purposes other than construction and maintenance of highways and bridges. Additional background: here.

Amendment 1596 – To reduce nonessential Government travel costs. Additional background: here.

Amendment 1597 - To suspend federal employees without pay if found delinquent on their federal income taxes. Additional background: here

Amendment 1598 - This amendment is identical to a bill Dr. Coburn introduced last year, the "State Transportation Flexibility Act", to establish a direct federal-aid highway program and alternative funding of public transportation programs. The amendment would allow state transportation departments to opt out of the Federal-Aid Highway and Mass Transit programs. Instead, these states would be able to manage and spend the gas tax revenue collected within their state on transportation projects without federal mandates or restrictions. Additional background: here.

On February, 28 2012, Dr. Coburn filed the following additional amendments:

Amendment 1737: To require that all legislation be reviewed by CRS before it is considered by the Senate to determine whether new duplicative and overlapping Federal programs are being created. Additional background here.

Amendment 1738: To direct OMB to save $10 billion by consolidating duplicative programs identified by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Additional background here.

Supporting documents relating to these amendments and GAO's annual report released today exposing duplication and redundancy in the federal government:

  • Read the full GAO report titled, "Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue" here.
  • Dr. Coburn's prepared testimony at the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: here. Highlights of the testimony: here.
  • An Executive Summary of the 2012 GAO report: here.
  • Executive Summary of the Report Card on 2011 GAO duplication report: here.
  • Chart detailing 2012 GAO report cost savings: here.