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This week, Senator Coburn sent a letter to Governor Fallin highlighting several reasons not to expand Oklahoma’s Medicaid program.

As a result of the Supreme Court ruling the massive expansion of Medicaid under the president's health care law unconstitutional in June of this year, states have the option to expand their Medicaid program under the law, but are now not required to do so.

Specifically, the letter highlights the following concerns with any decision to expand Oklahoma’s Medicaid program:

• Some of the cost of expanding Medicaid in Oklahoma will be borne by Oklahoma taxpayers;

• Options for expanding Medicaid under the health care law assume the federal matching rate is continued at current levels, even though the federal government has a poor track record of upholding promises to American citizens;

• Expanding Medicaid under the health care law could effectively reduce private health insurance options for Oklahomans;

• Expanding Medicaid further perpetuates federal bureaucrats’ control of Oklahoma’s Medicaid program;

• A general concern with Medicaid expansions under the health care law is the issue of Medicaid patients’ reduced access to health care because of the program’s low reimbursement rates for health providers;

• Essential medical care is not equally available to patients on the program

To view the letter, click here.