Right Now

Today,  Dr. Coburn urged Majority Leader Reid to include his amendment that would repeal the federal mandate that requires states to spend 10 percent of funding provided from the surface transportation program (STP) for transportation enhancement (TE) activities.  TE includes transportation museums, pedestrian walkways, bicycle paths, landscaping and scenic beautification, and has even included a squirrel sanctuary and a turtle tunnel.

If states do not comply with this federal mandate, the federal government “will withhold future” STP funding from states not in compliance with this mandate.

 This amendment repeals the federal mandate forcing states to spend 10 percent of STP funds on niceties rather than transportation needs.  This will provide states and communities the flexibility to enhance safety rather than beautification and to meet local needs rather than the whims of Washington politicians, bureaucrats and special interest groups. 

Additional background on the amendment: here.