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Today, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) and Americans For Prosperity offered their endorsement of the Medicaid Improvement and State Empowerment Act (S. 1031), urging Congress to pass this legislation that frees states from bureaucratic red tape and empowers them to make immediate reforms that will improve care for patients. CCAGW letter here. AFP letter here.

"Coburn’s S. 1031 introduces even better incentives, from which all states and taxpayers will benefit. It gives states more control over their program dollars to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse...It is long past time to introduce similar reforms to Medicaid. The current stalemate on the debt limit should not prevent Congress from taking up S. 1031 at the earliest convenience" - The San Francisco Examiner

"Their “Medicaid Improvement and State Empowerment Act” would give “health grants” to states to provide coverage for low-income Americans and give states more flexibility to provide care that suits the needs and resources of their states and not the dictates of Washington bureaucrats" - Daily Caller

"Rather than increasing Medicaid spending dramatically...Republicans have proposed giving states a specified amount of federal Medicaid funding that they could then use to tailor their Medicaid programs to the specific needs of their residents — something that governors have long been requesting" - The Weekly Standard