Right Now

Amendment 2304 to Donate Vehicles Traded In To Poor Families in the Community and to Charities

The “Cash for Clunkers” program (Clunkers) currently requires all vehicle trade-ins to be destroyed and even prohibits the selling of certain car parts like the engine. This is even true for cars that are in great condition and new cars that have low gas mileage. In fact, in a dealership in El Reno, OK, one truck that had to be destroyed had an almost new engine with less than 10,000 miles.

This requirement unfairly hurts the poor and many of the charities that fill an important need in serving the poor.

This amendment would ensure such needless destruction is not required anymore at the expense of the poor and charities and that, instead, traded-in vehicles may be donated to charities and poor families within the community and continue to serve a useful purpose in our society.

Click here for additional background information.

Read the Lutheran Services in America letter of support here.  

Date Title
8/6/09 Current record
8/4/09 Coburn Amendments to the Agriculture Appropriations Bill