Right Now

Senate bill has 2,074 pages and weighs 20.8 pounds

A true cost of $2.5 trillion, that comes out to $1.2 billion per page.

A true cost of $2.5 trillion, that comes out to $6.8 million per word.

Washington has just run a $1.4 trillion budget deficit for fiscal 2009, even as we are told a massive, new health-care government program will reduce deficits by raising and spending about a trillion dollars over 10 years. To believe that fantastic claim, you have to ignore everything we know about Washington and the history of government health-care programs.

Medicaid now costs 37 times more than it did when it was launched—after adjusting for inflation. Its current cost is over $250 billion, up 25% or $50 billion in fiscal 2009 alone, and that's before the health-care bill covers millions of new beneficiaries.

Medicaid, the joint state-federal program for the poor. The House Ways and Means Committee estimated that its first-year costs would be $238 million. Instead it hit more than $1 billion, and costs have kept climbing.

Medicare has a similar record. In 1965, Congressional budgeters said that it would cost $12 billion in 1990. Its actual cost that year was $90 billion. Whoops.

Taxes will go up $493.6 billion—nearly half a trillion dollars.

Medicare will be cut $464.6 billion—another half a trillion dollars.

Health care bills federally funded abortion background here.

Dem's bill by the numbers here.

Read the entire Senate health care bill here.

Studies show that the Democrat bills will increase health care costs here.

The federal government already runs 60% of health care in the United States. Read the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service report here.

Medicare denies more patients than private insurers. Medicare denied 10 times the number of medical claims than any private insurer in 2008. See the numbers here.

Dem bill creates new government rationing. See HELP Committee Minority Staff report here.

CRS report on 97.6 percent of cloture votes result in bill passage here.

Majority’s Health Bill Empowers Government Task Force At Center of Mammogram Controversy: see the facts here.

Joint Committee on Taxation analysis here.

Major CBO Caveats to Cost Containment here.

Read the RPC summary of Reid's bill here.

Read the Oklahoma State Medical Association House of Delegates support for Coburn's health care policies here.

Oklahoma State Insurance Commissioner says Reid health care bill will increase costs for Oklahomans. Read the letter here and additional information here.