Right Now

Sep 17 2008

Reid's Monkey Business Continues

Senate Leader Considers Protecting Primates an American Priority

Today, Majority Leader Harry Reid indicated he plans to file cloture tonight on the motion to proceed to the “Coburn package.” The legislation is a compilation of 35 different bills, many being held by Senator Coburn and other senators because of policy and fiscal concerns. This will be the second time Senator Reid has attempted to move to this legislation. In July, the Senate defeated cloture on the motion to proceed to this bill by a vote of 52-40.

At a time when Americans are struggling to afford rising gas and food prices and worrying about the uncertainty of Wall Street and out of control government spending, Senator Reid plans to use the Senate’s time to debate a bill that does not address a single one of these important issues. In addition, with the new fiscal year only two weeks away, Congress has failed to pass even one appropriations bill needed to fund general government operations.

Despite these pressing issues that should be addressed by Congress before adjourning for the year, Senator Reid will force the Senate to consider a 398 page bill that spends $10 billion of our grandchildren’s money, creates at least 35 new federal programs, and prioritizes the parochial wishes of many senators above the true needs of the American people.

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