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Budget Point of Order to S.2284 - The Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007

While the Senate Banking Committee and Congress has addressed a number of very serious concerns with the current National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) through this legislation, ultimately this bill fails one of our most basic responsibilities by passing on billions in debt to the next generations of Americans.

By canceling nearly $30 billion in debt and interest payments owed to the Treasury as a result of program borrowing, Congress is refusing to sacrifice in the short term, for the long term gain of our children and grandchildren. For additional information, click here.

Amendment #4716 - To require persons located in flood prone areas to hold flood insurance prior to receiving disaster assistance. Click here to read more. Click here for amendment text.

Amendment #4724 - To study alternative approaches to ensure the future of the National Flood Insurance Program by requiring greater efficiency and financial accountability. Click here to read more. Click here for amendment text.

Amendment #4725 – To deny premium subsidies to homeowners who refuse to accept an offer of Federal assistance to alter or relocate their property in an effort to minimize future flood damages and costs. Click here to read more. Click here for amendment text.

Amendment #4726 - To ensure that all premium subsidies for nonresidential properties are phased out. Click here to read more. Click here for amendment text.