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Click here for a comprehensive list of all amendments.

Amendments listed below individually:

Amendment 3961—Requires an annual report detailing the amount of property the federal government owns and the cost of government land ownership to taxpayers.  Click here to read more.

Amendment 3962—Requires the voluntary consent of property owners before the Federal Government can take control of any privately owned lands.  Click here to read more 

Amendment 3963—Requires citizens’ approval and periodic renewal of any taking of public or private property by the federal government.  Click here to read more

Amendment 3964 —Requires that citizens within a National Heritage Area are informed of the designation and that government officials must receive permission to enter private property.  Click here to read more

Amendment 3965—Ensures that there are no adverse effect of a National Heritage Area designation to local communities and home owners.  Click here to read more

Amendment 3966—Requires one percent of the new spending authorized in the bill to be used to dispose of excess, unused and unneeded Federal property to offset some of the costs of the bill.  Click here to read more

Amendment 3967—Protects the right of law abiding citizens to carry guns in National Parks.  Click here to read more

Amendment 3968—Prohibits federal commissions and studies created by this Act from having members with financial conflicts of interests, holding secret meetings and making recommendations that increase costs to taxpayers.  Click here to read more

Date Title
1/29/08 Current record
1/24/08 Coburn's official visit to Taiwan