Right Now

The American public has lost confidence in the federal government's ability to secure our borders and enforce exisiting immigration laws.

The federal government has an obligation to secure the U.S. borders and enforce our laws.  The American people expect that their laws will be upheld.  Yet, the U.S. borders are not secure and illegal immigrants are not being deported.

How can the public trust that anything will be different with the latest immigration reform bill, S. 1348?

A recent Rasmussen Report found that 66 percent of those polled believe it does not make sense to debate new immigration laws until we can first control our borders and enforce existing laws.

Dr. Coburn's amendment to S. 1348 is a critical first step in restoring the public's trust in Congress' ability to secure our borders and enforce immigration laws.  Coburn Amendment No. 1311 requires existing border security and immigration laws be enforced and approved by Congress before the amnesty provisions in S. 1348 go into effect.