Right Now

America needs to remain competitive and certainly can do more to encourage students to pursue studies and careers in the fields of math and science.  However, the best way to achieve this goal is not by adding to our $8.5 trillion national debt.  Yet, S. 761 will require Congress to borrow tens of billions of dollars for a massive government expansion that creates duplicative programs and relies on bureaucracy to incite innovation and competitiveness.

For America to remain competitive in the global economy, we need to ensure our country is economically strong.  But the reality is our nation cannot remain competitive or grow economically when the federal government continues to borrow more and more and consume the capital essential for the creation of new enterprise.

That is the likely consequence of this well-intentioned, but short-sighted bill.  The America COMPETES Act attempts to make America more competitive, but if this bill becomes law, America will only be competing for more debt that will bankrupt important retirement programs and be passed on to the next generation to be paid back in higher taxes and a lower standard of living.

Dr. Coburn has filed amendments to the America COMPETES Act.  His amendments seek to offset new spending authorizations with reductions in current spending.

Coburn Amendment 917 - Expresses the Sense of the Senate that new spending should be offset.  Tabled, or killed, by a vote of 54-43.  (A "yes" vote is a vote against the Coburn amendment.)

Coburn Amendment 918 - Sunsets the bill after four years.  Defeated by a vote of 27-67

Coburn Amendment 920 - Strikes Chapter 4 regarding “Summer Institutes."

Coburn Amendment 921 - Eliminates the corporate welfare Advanced Technology Program.  Defeated by a vote of 39-57.

Coburn Amendment 922 - Adds accountability and transparency to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration grants.  Approved by a vote of 82-14.

Coburn Amendment 934 - Strikes Title III of the bill expanding duties for NASA.

The Council for the Citizens Against Government Waste sent a letter in support of the Coburn amendments.

The Club for Growth is urging senators to vote "yes" on Coburn Amendment 921.