Right Now

As Congress rushes home for the holidays, I have pledged to hold the line on spending and attempts to increase the size of the federal government.  Earlier this month, I sent a letter to my colleagues informing them I would object to Congress’ annual last-minute spending spree.  Below are several bills that I am holding because they do not follow simple guidlines I have set for bills to pass without the ability to amend or debate.  Click here to read more about the "Senate hold" process.

Some current holds include:

S. 1771, Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act-  Reason for hold: It authorizes $29 million in new spending without offsets.  Click here to read my hold letter regarding this hold. 

S. 535/H.R. 923, Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act- Reason for hold: The bill authorizes new spending to duplicate an existing program or activity.  Click here to read my letter requesting this hold.

S. 1662, Small Business Venture Capital Act of 2007- Reason for hold: The bill expands the role of the federal government without the ability to track the progress of the new program.  Click here to read my letter regarding this hold.

H.R. 493, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007 (GINA) - Reason for hold:  concerned with different definitions of "genetic testing" throughout the bill as well as concerns with the legal fire walls.  Click here to read more information.

H.R. 2640, NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 - Reason for hold:  Authorizes nearly $2 billion in spending as well as concerns it threatens the constitutional rights of veterans.  Click here to read more.