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Coburn To Revive Defense Earmarks Proposal In November

From Congress Daily:

In a deal that appeased a self-styled watchdog against government waste and allowed a final vote on the FY07 defense authorization bill before lawmakers left town for a six-week recess, House and Senate leaders have agreed to consider in November legislation intended to boost oversight of military-related earmarks.

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., threatened late Friday to object to a unanimous consent request to approve the final defense authorization bill over his concerns that an amendment he authored to the bill did not survive in the final conference report. The Coburn language, which the Senate approved on both the defense authorization and appropriations bills, would have authorized the Pentagon to review and report on military-related earmarks and grade them on whether they are necessary or useful. The report also would include a description of each earmark, including the congressional district benefited by the add-on.

The Senate initially passed the language on a voice vote during debate on the authorization measure in June. Senators later approved similar language, 96-1, during floor debate on the Defense spending bill in August. Neither of the final conference reports on both bills contain the Coburn amendment.